Canada is a Real Country
An opponent of Quebec independence reports on the movement.
Common Declaration by Canadian and Quebecois Intel
Common Declaration by Canadian and Quebecois Intellectuals. Proposed by the IPSO and signed by many individuals in both Canada and Quebec.
How to Kill Quebec Separatism
Article by journalist and English-rights activist William Johnson.
Independence of Québec
English language directory on the subject of Québec's independence.
Open Letter for Quebec
Open Letter in support of the democratic right to self-determination for Quebec signed by many intellectuals from Canada and Quebec.
Plan B Forum
Published papers on the federal government's "Plan B" approach to the Quebec independence movement. Includes Pierre Trudeau's essay on the Charlottetown Accord and an essay by Dennis Stairs on Canada after Quebec's separation.
Quebec and the Ideal of Federalism
A working paper by McGill Professor Louis Balthazar. Includes a response to the paper by Christopher Manfredi. [PDF format]
Quebec Sovereignty: A Legitimate Goal
A paper prepared by Intellectuals for Sovereignty (IPSO).
Quebec:? A Nation?
An article by the president of the League of the South, supporting the independence of Quebec.