Cloning, Genetics, Stem Cell Research, About Biotech, Biotech Knowledge Center, Prometheus Bound: Cloning Bears Identical Reaction, The Wired Society, Whybiotech
Cell Phones
Cell Phones and Driving, An Education on Common Objections to Cell Phone Le, - Health Effects of Using Cell Phones, Can Cell Phones Cause Explosions at Gas Pumps?, Cell Phone Etiquette Guide, Cell Phone Privacy, Cell Phone SAR Tests, Cell Phones are Hot with Teens, Cellbusters, CellManners, Everything You Wanted to Know About Cellular Radio
Government Computerization, Internet, Organizations, Atomised Capitalism,, c't: Windows 2000 and Scientology, Computer Intelligence Through the Science of Foren, Computers in Developing Countries, Computers in Society, Computers, Freedom and Privacy, Global Congress on Community Networking in the Dig, Technology and Society Book Reviews, Y2K and Public Opinion Online Survey
Center for Responsible Nanotechnology, Ethical Issues in Nanotechnology, Nanosocialism, Nanotechnology Without Genies, Nanotechnology: The Coming Molecular Revolution, Societal Implications of Nanoscience and Nanotechn, The Foresight Institute, University of South Carolina NanoScience and Techn
Directories, Mailing Lists, Bellona Foundation, Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility, Federation of American Scientists (FAS) List of Nu, Harper's Magazine: The Radioactive Boy Scout, Institute for Energy and Environmental Research, One Nuclear Power, Plutonium Investigation, The Nuclear History Site
RFID - Can your razor blade spy on you?, A Hacker's Guide To RFID,, Ross Mayfield's Weblog: RFID Hacks, Stop RFID, The Guardian: Tesco tests spy chip technology, The Nation: The Trouble with RFID
A Survey Of Technology In Cities
Article by Nigel Harris, published in Urgan Age magazine, discusses how advancing technologies will affect cities.
Africa in a High-Technology Millennium
British Broadcasting Corporation interviews Nigerian computer and Internet pioneer, Philip Emeagwali, on what science and technology can do for Africa in the Information Age.
Center for Technology Studies
Resources from the Pacific Research Institute supporting ways to promote opportunity, innovation, and economic growth by limiting government intervention in the electronic frontier.
Center for the Study of Technology and Society
Nonprofit research and educational group based in Washington, D.C., providing news and information on technology related issues and their effect on society.
Interactive knowledge organization, combining major world wide universities who manage this searchable database. Project is presently launching.
Government Technology
News, publications, conferences, and case studies about using technology in state and local government.
Potomac Institute
A not-for-profit public policy research institute located in Arlington, Virginia and focusing on key science and technology issues facing society.
Pragmatic and Dogmatic Physics; Presentation and R
A report concerned with the analysis of one particular article that a German physicist published in Nature in 1938, the background of its publication and the response to it. The article had antisemitic aspects even as it was an article about scientific research.
Red Rock Eater News Service
Mailing list and links to articles from UCLA professor Phil Agre about social and political aspects of computing and networking.
Scientists For Global Responsibility
Explores the ethical dimension of scientific research and technology: ethical controversies, global energy and resource issues, alternative technologies, and global population and consumption.
SCOPE Science Controversies
Establishing online, intellectual communities of scientists, classroom teachers, and science learners focused on current controversies in science that concern scientists and also connect to the interests of the general public.
State of the World: An Imaginary Dialogue Amongst
An excerpt from the transcript of the (imaginary, but based on real quotations) proceedings of the advisory committee on ecological catastrophe, charged with producing three policy recommendations.
Technology Watch Centre
The Technology Watch Center (TWC) an organization within the National Science Foundation under the auspices of the Science & Technology Personnel Development Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology.
The Center for the Study of Technology and Society
Keeping up with technology's developments is central to anticipating its social effects. Includes links to news reports on nanotechnology, advanced computing, space, and cryogenics.
The Impact Of Technology
How the second industrial revolution ( miniaturisation and artificial intelligence) is relentlessly stagnating and impoverishing our community.
The Loka Institute
Non-profit research and advocacy organization concerned with the social, political, and environmental repercussions of research, science and technology.
Homepage of author and radio host Whitley Strieber, covering alternative and mainstream science news and debates.