Advancement Project
Works with communities seeking to build a fair and just multi-racial democracy using law, public policy, and strategic communications. Focuses on issues of opportunity to learn, power, and democracy and urban peace. Includes list of programs, calendar of events, newsletters, news, and donation information.
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee of Gre
Civil rights organization serving the Arab-American and Muslim-American community of Kalamazoo, Michigan.
Anti-Racism Information Service (ARIS)
Information on ARIS's activities in support at the UN's Committee for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD), and documentation about racial discrimination and related topics.
Assessment of Multicultural/Diversity Outcomes Gra
The purpose of this grant is to assess student mastery of multicultural outcomes, both attitudes and content knowledge, with national implications.
Association of World Citizens
An international peace organization with branches in 50 countries. Goal is to build a global village of lasting peace, social and economic justice, and a healthy environment for the 21st century.
Center For World Indigenous Studies Home Page
An indigenous peoples organization dedicated to promoting the sovereignty and self-determination worldwide.
Comics Standup Against Racism
An organization that provides financial support to college students studying civil rights issues.
Greenlining Institute
A multi-ethnic public policy leadership training center in San Francisco that represents 35 minority, low-income, and community-based organizations throughout California.
Intercultural Dialogue and Pluralism- UNESCO
Culture sector encourages intercultural dialogue and promotes cultural pluralism within the organization.
Intercultural Leadership Initiative
The Intercultural Leadership Initiative serves to foster an appreciation for the differences inherent between students of different cultural backgrounds (native and non-native) in northern Wisconsin.
International Movement Against All forms of Discri
Guide to its programs, projects, regional committees, publications, and a section on the UN World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia (WCAR).
InterRelations Collaborative
A non-profit educational organization which conducts multicultural leadership training in schools and universities.
Kootenay Anti-racism Education and Research Societ
Providing community support for racial diversity, aboriginal issues and multi-culturalism. The site promotes activities and provides selected information on racism, systemic racism and hate group activity in Canada.
Northern Ireland Council for Ethnic Minorities
Organisation carries out capacity building work, anti-racism training, policy work and campaigning on racial equality issues.
Not In Our Town
Promotes public dialogue and provides a model for community response to hate crimes and other associated problems.
Pariah People Against Racism In Aboriginal Homelan
Anti-racist organization based in Northern Territory, Australia. Exposes and combats government sanctioned racism against Aboriginal people.
Project Change
A national non-profit community of organizations dedicated to eliminating racism and intolerance.
SOS Rasisme
Summary of the activities of the Norwegian anti-racism group, including brief history, statement of principles, and related links available in English, as well as selected issues of their newspaper, The Voice of Refugees. Additional content available in Norwegian.
What is Color?
Site provides Anti-Racism Merchandise using different designs that are placed on shirts, housewares, stickers etc...
World Cultural Foundations
Non-profit organization whose purpose is to promote cultural understanding throughout the world. PenFriends is now regarded as the world's largest pen pal program with over one million members.
Youth Against Racism in Europe (YRE)
A socialist campaign against racists and fascists active in Britain and several European countries. Affiliated to the Committee for a Workers' International.