english deutsch
Anti-Racist Action, Business Training, Interracial Couples, Organizations, Adversity.net, Anti Racism Project, antiracist.com, antiracist.com, As Long As You Think You're White, Beyond Prejudice, Center for the Study of White American Culture, Christian, the Christian Jew and Racial Discrimin, Creative Mixture, Education Standards in UK
Anti-Semitism, Hate Crimes, Hate Groups, News, Personal Pages, Reference, Watch Groups, Web Hosting, Religious Movement Resource Center, Searchlight
Holocaust Denial
Opposing Views, Zundel, Ernst, Bradley R. Smith/CODOH, Carlos Whitlock Porter, David Irving's Action Report, Fred A. Leuchter, Historical Revisionism by Vrij Historisch Onderzoe, Holocaust Denial, Leuchter, and the "Leuchter, Institute for Historical Review, Michael A Hoffman II - Radical Truth in History, Noontide Press, Revisionist Historians
First American History X Page, The Heart Knows Better- Information, Viewing Race
United States, (AIHA) American Italian Heritage Association, Alaska Chinese Association, American Jewish Congress, Amnesty International, Anti - Defamation League - ADL, Black Dragon Triad Society, Calgary Mennonite Centre for Newcomers, Celtic Women International, Citizens Equal Rights Alliance (CERA), Community Unity of Corydon
Personal Pages
A Colour Blind Christmas, A Fade To Grey, A Goal, A New Perspective for Anthropology, Americans for Self-Determination, Bill's Story, Celestial Democracy, Cyprus in Pursuit of a Solution, Eastern Borderlands of the II Polish Republic, Eloquent Fury
Bamboo Girl Zine, Britannica.com: Worlds Apart: The Roots of Ethnic , ColorLines, Critical Mass Online, Culture Bytes, EurasianNation, How media affect Black-White relations in the USA, Interracial Voice, March of the Titans: A History of the White Race, New People
Race and Racism
Racial Profiling, Supremacy and Separatism, Africa and Racism, All Look Same, Anti-Racism Net, AsianWhite.org, Black Mormons & The Priesthood Ban FAQ, Black People Love Us, Call Me Racist, I Don't Care, Community Action Against Racism, Confronting Nuclear Racism, FAIR Issue Area - Racism
Academic Info: Religion, CBC News: India, God.com, Heal The Church, Interfaith Working Group Online, Mysticism in World Religions, Observer: Islam and the West, Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance, Pagan Unity Campaign, Pluralism Project
Web Rings
ART- ACT ART, Many Feathers Webring, One World Ring, Redneck Pride Ring
Group was founded in 1997 to promote the fair and equal treatment under the law for all citizens without regard to race, gender, or ethnic origin. includes articles, news and contact information.
Anti-Racist Action
Direct action group which protests fascist and neo-nazi activities. News and information about history, pictures, and events, as well as downloads, merchandise, and mailing list information.
Applied Research Center
A public policy, educational and research institute whose work emphasizes issues of race and social change. Includes news, view points and contact information.
Asian American Concerns
A compilation of online resources from the Japanese American Network on issues of concern to Asian Americans.
Attributes of Nations
Includes articles on nation-race personalities compared to stages of growth from childhood to adulthood. Contact information provided.
Blood Libel
Examines the roots of racism and the fear of sex in history and the pro-life movement.
Chador or Forced Prostitution: Liberal Fundamental
About the assimilation-versus-Islamism culture clash in the Netherlands.
Citizens for Nonviolent Action Against Racism
This organization was founded in 1988 in response to the Aryan Nation's yearly conference in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Includes related links and contact information.
Citizens' Initiative on Race and Ethnicity
Examines how the realities of race affect the significant social problems that exist in America.
ColorQ World
A non Eurocentric world view for promoting self-examination and cross-cultural understanding among people of color.
Congress of Racial Equality
Includes information on the organization, its views, activities and contact data.
Implicit Association Test
Self-test your unconscious levels of prejudice about age, gender, race, self-esteem, and mathematics vs. art.
Institute for the Study of Academic Racism
Includes information on the organization, and its advisory counsel. Related links and photo gallery provided.
Institute of Race Relations (IRR)
London-based thinktank on the struggle for racial justice in the UK, Europe and around the world.
Learn to Question
Educational and research site by Boston Latin School students on human rights, genocide, propaganda, tolerance, and identity.
Logical Thinkers
African American social and political commentary.
Mufti of Australia
Discusses accusations that the Mufti of Australia is an "extremist group".
Multi-Cultural Couples
Includes information on multi-cultural couples and their families. It addresses issues that these people face on a daily basis including religion and education.
Myth of the Melting Pot: America's Racial and
Series of articles about race relations in America from the Washington Post Newspaper.
Perspectives on Race Relations -- U.S. Dept. of St
Perspectives and information from the national dialogue on race in the United States, from the State Department and the United States Information Agency.
Prejudice and Discrimination
Links to treatment for this problem.
Prejudice-The Authoritarian Personality
Shows evidence of how prejudice is learned and unlearned.
Race, Democracy and Culture
Rooted in and growing out of former president Bill Clinton's Initiative on Race, the Renewing Democracy Through Interracial/Multicultural Community Building project.
Racetalks Initiatives
A research and public education project initiated by law professors Lani Guinier and Susan Sturm. Includes articles, interviews and the syllabus for a seminar.
Racial and Ethnic Policy Issues
Despite over three decades of a concerted effort to rectify past racial injustices, race remains a crucial aspect of American society with policy implications throughout our governmental systems.
Religious Crisis in Nigeria
Includes Voice of America interviews Philip Emeagwali on Islam, Christianity, Sharia law, the Nigerian constitution and the bloody conflicts between the Hausa, Fulani, Yoruba and Igbo tribes.
Southestern Native American Council
The Southeastern NAC is vowing to have our racist "Savage" mascot changed. This site serves as a collection of information regarding our mission.
The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
Dealing with the issues of religious persecution faced by Ahmadiyya Muslims in Pakistan. Contain news, photographs and contact information
The Diversity Myth
General academic discussion of race and ethnic relations
The Melton Foundation
Sponsors annual symposia for intercultural exchange among university students. Information about bridging cultures, timetable, outreach programs, and other projects.
The Race Debate
An actual transcribed debate regarding race and other issues.
The Role of Testing
A national report card on discrimination in America published by the Urban Institute.
The Transborder Initiative For Tolerance And Human
The initiative to encourage tolerance and understanding among people of different ethnic groups, races, nationalities, religions, cultures, social backgrounds and other minorities that face discrimination.
Thesis Link
Includes essays on the spiritual, physical, mental and emotional balance of Africans in America.
White Guilt and Black Power
Discussion of an article from the Wall Street Journal on FreeRepublic.
Whose Holocaust Is It?
Site includes information on the differences between the Palestinian and Jewish persecution.
Working Class Whites
Explores the general treatment of working class whites in the media. Dealing with the areas of religion, race relations, work and lifestyle in defining working class whites as a unique social culture.