english deutsch
Rand Corporation
Rand Corporation conducts independent research on important issues such as science and technology, methodology, national security, public policy, justice, health, education, drug policy, and demographics.
Reason Foundation
A national research and educational organization that explores and promotes public policies based on rationality and freedom.
Reason Public Policy Institute
The RPPI, a division of the Reason Foundation, is a national public policy think tank based in Los Angeles.
Research Forum on Cuba
The Research Forum on Cuba is designed to improve the level of understanding and quality of policy discussion on the immediate issues and longer-term trends and challenges facing Cuba.
Research Unlimited
List of official sites of 200 leading think tanks and policy groups around the world, mostly in the United States.
Rooman Klubin Suomen Yhdistys (FICOR)
The Finnish Association for the Club of Rome, Finland's national chapter of the a non-profit economic and policy research organization. Overview and sample publications provided in English; substantial additional content available in Finnish.