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Jan B. Tucker's Homepage
Human Rights Roundup, Animal Rights Report, Feminist Forum, Labor Letter, Arts & Entertainment, Anecdotes & Adventures, Child Support Horror Stories, Prison Page, Detective's Diary, Boycotts, and Green Party politics.
JC's Leees Page
Opinions from Christian Conservative angle on society, government, media, history, economics, and religion.
JD Hauser takes a hard hitting look at todays news and current events
Jean Kilbourne
Lecturer and scholar who has produced "Still Killing Us Softly," "Slim Hopes, "Calling the Shots," "Pack of Lies," and other works challenging the corporatization of human beings.
Jen's Poison Pen
One woman's opinions on a variety of subjects; burning social commentary and observations of human behaviors, among other things. All feedback is thoughtfully considered and posted in the guestbook.
Miscellaneous information, news reports and links concerning global economy, environment, global warming, biotechnologies, bio-integrity, cybernetics, civilisations and new technologies.
JodysJungle.com - AniMom for Animals
Personal page with various bits of news and action alerts: "for animal lovers who are against animal cruelty. For people who believe wildlife also has a right to this planet."
To herd or not to herd.
A blog discussing new ideas and points of view that may affect the reader's personal evolution.