Getting Credit When You're Over 62
What they can and cannot do in denying credit to senior citizens.
Long-Term Care for the Elderly: Profiles of Thirte
The Urban Institute
Our Aging Communities: A Regional Forum
Explores the cultural, humanistic, and spiritual aspects of aging in Northeastern Minnesota. Includes discussions with both national experts and other participants.
The Representation of Elderly Persons in Prime Tim
This content-analysis thesis examines the image of elderly characters and spokespeople in primte time network television commercials, drawn from the November 1994 sweeps.
The Urban Institute - The Elderly
Articles in various formats about the policy challenges posed by the aging of America.
Wake-Up Call
10 physical, social, spiritual, economic and political crises the boomers will face as they age in the 21st century. by Ken Dychtwald. American Society on Aging.