"Political Correctness" and the American
Paper arguing that right-wingers have long been imposing their own ideology, with sanctions against speech going against established orthodoxies.
Against the Theory of Sexist Language
Linguistic argument refuting the assumptions behind feminist efforts to reform the English language.
Camille Paglia on Political Correctness
A libertine/liberal feminist perspective.
Case Tests City's Speech Ordinance
A Michigan housewife is sent to jail for using an ethnic epithet.
A satire of "Official Canadian Culture."
A linguistically-informed polemic against "inclusive" language.
On Freedom of Expression and Campus Speech Codes
A policy statement from the American Association of University Professors.
PC and the Crisis of Liberalism
Essay by Jim Kalb on the cause and meaning of the phenomenon.
Political Correctness
An essay on its nature, origin and impact.
Politically Correct Unix Programming
List of names of programs and terms from Unix and how they would be made politically correct.
Principles of Newspeak
The appendix to George Orwell's 1984, analyzing totalitarian abuses of language.
Racial Terms and PC Language
List of various terms for racial minorities as used in different periods and contexts.
Relativistic Patterns in Totalitarian Thinking
An inquiry into the language of Soviet ideology by Mikhail Epstein.
Sensitive Language
A guide to forms of language preferred by "progressives."
The Onomastic Cringe
Article by John Derbyshire on the revision of ethnonymy and toponymy.