Africa's Brain Drain
Interview published in Africa Journal exploring the issue of African students who study abroad and never return.
AlterNet: Creative Class War
Richard Florida argues in the Washington Monthly that the "brain drain" is being reversed as the "creative class" in the United States is being depleted.
Brain Drain
Historically, wars between nations, and later between people, have always been about land and its approriation. Now that the land is generally distributed, a new type of war has appeared, the war about technology and its control writes Shimon Perez.
Brain Drain Migration
Robin Cook examines possible solutions to stem the loss of doctors, scientists and engineers by underdeveloped countries and states suffering from economic crisis.
Brain Drain Pulling the Plug on Tech Development
Article by Peter Schroepfer in the Korean newspaper Chosunilbo (English Edition).
Brain Drain Saps Former Soviet Union of Scientists
Article by science writer Ned Rozell.
Brain drain? What brain drain?
Not all German scientists agree there's a problem with researchers abandoning Europe. Article in The Scientist by Ned Stafford.
How extensive is the Brain Drain?
June 1999 report by William J. Carrington and Enrica Detragiache for the International Monetary Fund explores the brain drain and the countries affected by it.
How to Plug Europe's Brain Drain
Article from Time Europe explores strategies to stop the brain drain of talent to the United States.
Perspective: Explaining the tech brain drain
Michael Kanellos says there's a reason U.S. high-tech companies are hiring an increasing number of engineers and other employees from overseas: In many cases, they are smarter than us.
Radiation science victim of brain drain
When academics boast a 100 per cent employment rate for graduates, you'd think they and their peers would find much to celebrate. Not so for medical radiation science professionals report the Sydney Morning Herald
Reverse Brain Drain
Layoffs in the telecom and technology sector exceeded 600,000 in 2001, precipitating a reverse brain drain. Edwin Rubenstein writes that many professionals in the high tech industry are now leaving the United States and returning to South Asia.
Salon News ; Brain drain
A bill that would give visas to high-tech foreign students will exploit the greatest minds of the third world for the sake of American industry.
The Bangalore Boom:?From Brain Drain to Brain Circ
Anne Lee Saxenian examines the brain drain and attempts to reverse it in India.
The Reverse Brain Drain Project
Project to keep intellectual talent from leaving Thailand.
Weakening investment and increasing brain drain: t
European Research Commissioner Philippe Busquin presented two new publications on Europe's position in research and innovation. The "Key figures 2003-2004 for science, technology and innovation", and the "Brain drain study - Emigration flows for qualified scientists" display a bleak picture.