Philip Morris
Altria Means Tobacco: Philip Morris's Identit, Behind the Smokescreen: Philip Morris Philanthropy, Constructing "Sound Science" and "G, Corporate Goodwill or Tainted Money?, Graphic Obscurity, Humboldt Women for Shelter says 'no thanks&ap, Philip Morris Tries to Polish Its Image, Philip Morris Attempts to Re-define Image, Philip Morris Draws Fire For Anti-smoking Freebies, Philip Morris Launches Campaign that Promotes Indu
Youth Smoking Prevention
Behind the Smokescreen: The Tobacco Industry', Blowing Smoke - Tobacco Industry Youth Prevention , Critique of MTV Europe: "Youth Smoking Preven, Industry "Youth Programs" Help Avoid Reg, More Smoke and Mirrors, Nursing World: Letter to Philip Morris, PR in the Playground, Tobacco Industry "Prevention" Programs, Tobacco Industry Anti-Smoking Ads Make Kids Smoke, Tobacco Industry Waged False Battle Against Youth
A Brief Analysis of the Brown and Williamson Websi
An attorney takes a close look at the new web site and finds "a slick effort to make B&W look responsible and caring and to inoculate it against liability and punitive damages."
An Open-ended Attack on the Public Interest
PR Watch article highlights use of front groups by Philip Morris and the tobacco industry.
Art At Any Cost?
Editorial in Contemporary Dance magazine explores Big Tobacco's involvement and sponsorship of the performing arts and dance in particular.
BAT's Socially Responsible Smoke Screen
PR watch article provides background and analysis of tobacco giant BAT's latest image campaign.
Big Tobacco Feels the Heat
Article describes PR mechanisms and strategies used by the tobacco industry, including infliltrating campaign groups to weaken their impact.
Brown and Williamson's "Responsible"
Extended analysis of Brown and Williamson Tobacco's website, its purposes, PR, and messages.
Cigarette Company Documents Outline Strategy to De
Internal company records reveal a key tobacco industry player's sophisticated PR campaign.
Cigarette Firms Prepared to Throw Millions Into Pu
Short article on extent and nature of tobacco industry PR activities.
Confidential Tobacco PR Memo
Memo from tobacco industry PR firm on how to sell and lobby for the industry's "proposed resolution".
Council for Tobacco Research
PR Watch report on tobacco front described by the Wall Stree Journal as "the longest-running misinformation campaign in US business history"; covers personnel, history, funding, and provides a case study.
Council for Tobacco Research - Disinfopedia
Extensive article covering one of the tobacco industry's longest running PR vehicles.
Death of a Watchdog
Long article covers the creation and exposure of Contributions Watch, a front for Philip Morris.
Documents Reveal the Tobacco Industry's Spin
Knight-Ridder article examines what tobacco industry documents show about industry PR and litigation.
How the Industry Argues That Nicotine Is Not Addic
Analysis of the industry argument that nicotine is not addictive. Extensive documentation on how industry PR misleads and confuses the public about the science, on a critical issue: addiction.
Keep America Beautiful
PR Watch article examines whether KAB is a grassroots non-profit or a tobacco front group.
Lawyer Control of the Tobacco Industry's Exte
Research article in medical journal documents how the tobacco industry funded research to generate good publicity for the industry, to deflect attion away from tobacco as a health danger, and to attempt, sometimes secretly, to influence policymakers.
Masters of Manipulation: Tobacco-industry Tactics
Examines tobacco industry tactics in detail, with focus on Canada.
Rick Berman and Tobacco Front Groups
PRWatch exposes the $600,000 in Philip Morris money used to create "Guest Choice", and Berman's other connections to Big Tobacco.
Smoking'! How the Tobacco Industry Employs P
News article covers the development of the PR industry with the tobacco industry, and how and why tobacco uses PR today.
The War on Truth
Interview with John Stauber, a PR-industry watcher, has a short section on use of PR by the tobacco industry.
Timeline: Public Image
Tobacco industry documents grouped on a timeline show inside thinking on PR.
Tobacco's Secondhand Science of Smoke-Filled
PR Watch report on tobacco industry PR push to get the public to doubt the health effects of secondhand smoke; analyses industry tactics.
WHO Faces Up to Its Tobacco Links
PR strategies used by the tobacco industry to get the World Health Organization to derail or weaken its tobacco campaign.