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Ad Money Moves from Billboards to Print
Report finds cigarette marketing to teens through magazine advertising increased after the Master Settlement Agreement took effect in November
Addicting the Young
Article on recent tobacco industry tactics to recruit young customers, such as cartoon characters in cigarette ads, rock music promotions, and making cigarettes easily available to youth.
Adolescent Exposure to Cigarette Advertising in Ma
Research by Harvard Professor.
Ads for Tobacco and Alcohol Swamp New Swimsuit Iss
Article looks at the ads in the 1998 Sports Illustrated annual swimsuit issue, in light of nearly 24 percent of the magazine's readers being between the ages of 12 and 17.
An Ad-erage Day in the Life of a Kid
A tobacco-ad-filled day in the life of a kid.
Bat Cave Inc. Youth Marketing Specialists
Marketing firm states its expertise in youth culture and highlights its tobacco marketing.
BAT Lures Young smokers With Online Scheme
British American Tobacco is planning an extraordinary internet campaign to drive unwitting young consumers to bars and clubs where it promotes its cigarettes, according to a leaked company memo. Article explains, and provides the memo.
Behind the Smokescreen: Tobacco Marketing to Kids
Report from the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids.
Big Bad Wolf Isn't the Only One Puffin'
Sudy on tobacco use in children's animated feature films finds substantial tobacco use, no showing of consequences, and good characters use as much as bad characters.
Big Tobacco Brings Message to Club Scene
Two of Canada's tobacco companies make a final effort to market cigarettes to young people before a sponsorship ban kicks in.
Big Tobacco Up to Old Tricks
USA Today editorial focuses on tobacco industry marketing attractive to teens.
Big Tobacco: Still Addicting Kids
Research reports on tobacco industry and marketing to kids before and after the Master Settlement Agreement with the states in November 1998.
Brand Logo Recognition by Children
Abstract of scientific paper reporting results of brand recognition. Over 90% of 6 year olds correctly recognized Old Joe, a cartoon Camel used by R.J. Reynolds.
Brown & Williamson Campaign Targets Young Peop
Article in India Express covers B&W's campaign promoting Kool and Lucky Strike cigarettes.
Cigarette Ads - A Promise Broken
Summarizes research showing that tobacco ad spending has not decreased since the tobacco industry agreed to stop targeting youth; examines where the ad budget goes.
Cigarette Ads have More Impact Than Anti-tobacco E
The tobacco industry is still coming up with cigarette ads that have a greater impact on young people than anti-smoking messages, according to new research.
Cigarette Ads Influence Teen Smoking
Summary of recent research.
Cigarette Ads Stomp Out Anti-Smoking Efforts
Study concludes that cigarette ads lead young people to identify smoking with popularity and relaxation, and these associations are stronger than any perceived risk picked up from anti-smoking ads.
Cigarette Brand Preferences Among Adolescents
Paper from the Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan. Concludes: "The very high rates of cigarette smoking found among American teenagers in the late 1990s are associated with the popularity of just three brands..."
Cigarette-makers Accused of Increasing Ads that Ta
CNN report on research that shows tobacco industry has increased advertising aimed at teens, following an agreement not to do so.
CNN.com: Cigarette-makers Accused of Increasing Ad
CNN report on studies showing that the tobacco industry has increased ads targetting teens.
Court Papers Reveal Teen Smoking Targets
USA Today article covers R.J. Reynolds youth marketing plans that led to Joe Camel.
Court Snuffs "Kool MIXX"
Court determines that Brown and Tilliamson's "Kool MIXX" ad campaign targets children.
Deconstructing Cigarette Ads in a Counter Advertis
Analyzes advertising and marketing techniques, helps students learn how to deconstruct ads and create their own anti-ad or parody.
Designing a Cigarette for the First Time Smoker
Article in scientific journal examines how R. J. Reynolds designed a cigarette to appeal to young starters.
Do Candy Cigarettes Encourage Young People to Smok
Paper in British Medical Journal. Executives of both the tobacco and candy industries regarded candy cigarettes as good advertising to future smokers; tobacco companies granted candy makers permission to use cigarette pack designs and tolerated trademark infringement.
Effect Of Advertising On Children's Use Of To
Factsheet from the National Institute on Media and the Family.
Ever Wonder What the Future Holds for Joe?
Essay comments on RJ Reynolds' Joe Camel advertising campaign.
Expert Says Tobacco Pitched Ads to Young Smokers
CNN article shows cigarette ads placed on TV shows for kids, tobacco industry memos that talk of getting young people to smoke.
Factsheets: Tobacco Company Marketing to Kids
A dozen factsheets in PDF format on Philip Morris and tobacco industry marketing to kids.
How Tobacco Ads Target Teens
Information and advice for parents, teachers, and health educators on how to recognize and counter tobacco industry promotion to youth.
Influence of Tobacco Marketing and Exposure to Smo
Scientific paper finds cigarette advertising is a stronger influence on teen smoking than other factors.
Lorillard Attempts to Shut Down Teen Smoking Progr
Article covers Lorillard Tobacco's attempts to shut down a tobacco education program for teens that is widely seen as effective.
Lorillard Elbows Portland Hoopsters Off the Court
Article on tobacco giant Lorillard's basketball promotion, and how Lorillard bounced a team off the court because of their T-shirts.
Marketing Professor Finds Youth More Influenced by
Marketing professor finds that teens are more likely to be influenced by strategic tobacco advertising than adults.
News & Opinion: Black Lungs
Column on tobacco marketing to black teens.
Philip Morris and Targeting Kids
Factsheet outlines how tobacco giant Philip Morris (Altria) targets kids, and documents what Philip Morris says in private about marketing to kids and about its anti-youth-smoking ads as a public relations ploy.
Philip Morris Polled Teens on Smoking
The nation's largest tobacco company used pollsters through the 1970s and 1980s to learn more about teens' smoking attitudes.
Philip Morris Schoolbook Covers
Commercial Alert takes a hard look at Philip Morris's giveaway of school book covers.
Philip Morris, Lorillard Targetted Kids
Tobacco industry documents released by Congressman Henry Waxman.
Question It
Spotlights how the tobacco industry targets youth.
R.J. Reynolds Fined for Ads in Youth Magazines
Washington Post article; a judge found that a major tobacco company violated the terms of the 1998 national tobacco settlement by running magazine cigarette ads aimed at teenagers.
Request for Investigation of Philip Morris Textboo
Letter from Commercial Alert requests Attorney General investigate Philip Morris for promotions to teens.
RJR on the "youth market"
Document from R.J. Reynolds (RJR) site shows that 14 year old smokers were not just a viable, but a very sought after market for RJR.
Smoke This
Op-ed on tobacco industry promotions to youth.
Special Report: Philip Morris Has Not Changed
Report on tobacco giant Philip Morris finds the tobacco giant is still bombarding kids with cigarette advertising, and still fighting effective tobacco education programs for kids.
Study Suggests Cigarette Companies Target Youth
Summary of recent research.
Study: Tobacco Companies Still Market Cigarettes t
New England Journal of Medicine study finds that a 1998 tobacco industry promise not to market to teens has had little effect; advertising for youth brands of cigarettes in youth-oriented magazines has not decreased.
The Marlboro Man lives
Article in Salon magazine. "Big Tobacco money is being spent differently than before, but it's still targeting our youth."
They said WHAT?
Collection of quotes: what the industry says in its own internal documents on nicotine and addiction, tobacco products and health, legalese, youth, and evidence.
Tobacco Ads May Undermine Good Parenting
A new study presents evidence that tobacco industry marketing undermines the best efforts of parents to prevent their kids from smoking.
Tobacco Ads Still Luring Teens
Despite tobacco industry claims, big tobacco's marketing campaigns continue to have the greatest influence on children to start smoking, a new study finds.
Tobacco Advertising and Youth
Factsheet from the Tobacco Reference Guide.
Tobacco Advertising in Magazines with Youth Reader
Analysis of market research data shows the largest tobacco company is still spending $15 million a day on advertising, much of it in magazines and other venues that impact kids.
Tobacco Advertising influences adolescents to star
NIH analysis of what caused smoking to increase over the last 70 years.
Tobacco and Alcohol Advertisements in Magazines: A
JAMA article (research letter) presents results of simple study counting ads in magazines with varying youth readerships.
Tobacco and the Media
Slide presentation from Media Influence on the Health of Adolescents at Andrews University.
Tobacco Companies Finding Easy Way Around Magazine
A new study examines how the tobacco industry has complied with a 1998 court settlement banning magazine advertising directed at teenagers, dinds that youth targeting persisted and even increased in the first two years after the ban went into effect.
Tobacco Company Magazine Ads Continue To Target Ch
Research report from Harvard Business School analyzes advertising expenditures in 30 adult- and youth-oriented magazines, finds that young people smoke cigarettes advertised in youth magazines.
Tobacco Documents Show Companies Vied for Youth Ma
CNN.com reports that R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. was envious of Philip Morris' domination of the youth market and designed a marketing strategy in the mid-1970s to try to increase its share, according to a secret document.
Tobacco Explained: 3. Marketing to children
ASH UK Paper. Heavily documented with quotes from the industry's own internal documents, reports on how the tobacco industry promotes cigarettes and smoking to kids.
Tobacco Giant's Secret Papers Revealed
Britain's biggest tobacco company was so concerned that it would lose market share to hard drugs such as cocaine and heroin that it attempted to market a 'rebellious' image for cigarettes to make them more attractive to youngsters.
Tobacco Industry Bombards Kids With Retail Store M
Despite agreeing as part of the 1998 state tobacco settlement to stop marketing to kids, the tobacco industry in 1999 saturated convenience stores and other retail outlets with advertising and promotions that influence kids, according to a recent CDC study.
Tobacco Industry Promotion of Cigarettes and Adole
Research measures whether tobacco advertising and promotion increases the likelihood that youths will begin smoking.
Tobacco Industry Promotion of Cigarettes and Adole
Summarizes research showing how tobacco advertising and promotion can influence nonsusceptible never smokers to start the process of becoming addicted to cigarettes.
Tobacco Industry Quotes on Marketing to Kids
Quotes compiled by MASCOT, the Multicultural advocates for social change on tobacco.
Tobacco Industry Reviewed Potential Smoking Habits
Brown and Williamson Tobacco engaged a marketing research firm to look at the potential smoking habits of children as young as 5, according to internal company documents. A judge said Brown and Williamson "blatantly abused" attorney-client privilege to keep these documents secret.
Tobacco Industry Saw Benefit in Promoting Candy Ci
Summary of finding from research on tobacco industry documents.
Tobacco Marketing and Young People
Research finds the tobacco industry has detailed pictures of the values and aspirations of smokers as young as 15 years.
Tobacco Marketing by Philip Morris and RJR Nabisco
United Methodist Church expresses outrage at "the use of marketing techniques aimed at children by leading cigarette manufacturers".
Tobacco Marketing to Young People
Industry youth-oriented marketing strategies in the US and around the world.
Two Studies Show: Ads Get Kids to Smoke
Two research studies find that cigarette advertising and promotion are the single most important factor in influencing kids to smoke, more important than family or friends who smoke.
UK tobacco firm targets African youth
BAT (British American Tobacco) hands out free cigarettes to teenagers at sports events in Africa, a BBC investigation finds.
Waxman: Marketing Tobacco to Children
Letter from Congressman Henry Waxman to his colleagues highlights what the tobacco industry says in private about marketing cigarettes to kids.
Why and How the Tobacco Industry Sells Cigarettes
Scientific report examines tobacco industry documents to analyze tobacco industry strategies that encourage smoking by young adults.
Youth: Target Group 12-17
Examines marketing and market analysis of 12-17 year olds by the tobacco industry.