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American Cancer Society Condemns Tobacco Industry
Expose of study funded by the tobacco industry.
Are Cigarette Makers Trying to Conceal Secondhand
Article in medical journal examines the evidence that the tobacco industry is putting chemical additives to cigarettes to make secondhand smoke more pleasant but not less lethal.
ASH Challenge to reporting on passive smoking
Includes coverage of industry actions affecting press coverage of secondhand smoke.
ASHRAE Standard 62: Tobacco Industry's Influe
Paper describes the history and role of the tobacco industry in the development of ventilation standards for indoor air quality by influencing the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE).
Blowing Smoke over Ventilation
BusinessWeek commentary outlines the tobacco industry strategy of "ventilation" and explains why it doesn't protect health.
Did Big Tobacco Deliberately Withold Election Expe
From GASP of Colorado Education Center, summary of evidence that the tobacco industry was funding and organizing opposition to a Boulder smokefree ordinance.
Disinfopedia: Freedom Organisation for the Right t
Article on the pro-smoking group FOREST reveals that 96% of its funding comes from the tobacco industry.
Don't Buy the Ventilation Lie
Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights reports on tobacco industry strategies "to create the appearance that the problems relating to secondhand smoke are addressed without actually creating smokefree places."
eBMJ -- Tobacco company set up network of sympathe
Britsh Medical Journal: "US tobacco giant Philip Morris set up a network of scientists throughout Europe who were paid to cast doubt on the risks of passive smoking and highlight other possible causes of respiratory problems, according to confidential documents from the company's law firm released on the Internet."
Enstrom Study
Short item examines tobacco industry role in a study that concluded secondhand smoke is harmless.
Environmental Tobacco Smoke and the Nonsmokers&apo
Chapter from a book on the Brown and Williamson papers documents B&W and the tobacco industry's approach to secondhand smoke.
Environmental Tobacco Smoke: Brown and Williamson
A review of internal tobacco industry documents compares what the industry said privately about secondhand smoke with what it said publicly.
Global Conspiracy on Environmental Tobacco Smoke
Presents a Philip Morris memo in which the company discusses its plans to "keep the controversy alive" on the health effects of secondhand smoke. The plans included a worldwide effort by the tobacco industry to recruit "friendly scientists".
How the Tobaccco Industry Responded to an Influent
Journal article documents how the tobacco industry generated a study and hid its involvement in an attempt to fight the emerging science on secondhand smoke.
It's All Disinformation
Op-ed outlines history of tobacco industry attempts to influence public thinking about the science of secondhand smoke.
Junking Science to Promote Tobacco
Article from the American Journal of Public Health outlines tobacco industry strategies to buy science, distort risk, and influence public opinion on secondhand smoke.
National Toxicology Program, Board of Scientific C
National scientific organization concludes unanimously that secondhand smoke is a known human carcinogen; the tobacco industry sends 10 witnesses to argue the other way.
Organizations: FOREST
Covers tobacco industry origins and purposes of FOREST.
Passive Smoking Cancer Risk Downplayed By Industry
Internal documents from Phillip Morris and other tobacco companies provide evidence that the tobacco industry has closely monitored and tried to actively interfere with an international epidemiological study on lung cancer and passive smoking.
Philip Morris Gave Secret Grants to Swedish Profes
Article about Swedish professor R. Rylander, accused of having secretely worked for the tobacco industry, sheds light on tobacco industry funding of research intended to create doubt about health effects.
Philip Morris Sought Experts to Cloud Issue
Washington Post article: "Tobacco giant Philip Morris systematically wooed scientists who might help the company counter the growing consensus on the health risks of secondhand tobacco smoke and 'keep the controversy alive,' according to a 1988 internal tobacco company document."
Philip Morris's Secondhand Smoke Media Strate
Internal document from Philip Morris executive describes its strategies for fighting the EPA's scientific report on secondhand smoke, including "concentrating all the EPA's enemies against it".
Preemption: Taking the Local out of Tobacco Contro
Presentation on tobacco industry strategy to get pre-emptive legislation passed by state or federal government that strips lower levels of government of their authority to act.
Project Whitecoat
Review of tobacco industry documents on Project Whitecoat, a tobacco industry campaign to recruit scientific experts sympathetic to the industry.
R.J. Reynolds chief: Smoking isn't addicting
CEO of tobacco giant R. J. Reynolds testifies that smoking isn't addictive and secondhand smoke doesn't cause cancer.
Secondhand Smoke - Setting the Record Straight
The EPA reviews the epidemiology, the attempts by the tobacco industry to confuse and water down the evidence, and comes to the same conclusion in 1998 that the evidence justified in 1992: secondhand smoke is a preventable health hazard.
Stanton Glantz: Post-OSHA Hearings Comments
Post-OSHA Hearings Comments, 1996. Extensive analysis of tobacco industry arguments; sections on credibility and causality, publication bias, confounding variables, and misclassification error.
Studies Describing Tobacco Industry Strategy
Studies and articles describe Big Tobacco's attempts to subvert research on the health effects of secondhand smoke.
Tactics to Confuse The Science
Tobacco industry documents that show industry efforts to confuse or obscure the scientific discussion about the effects of tobacco.
The Philip Morris Scandal
ASH UK Paper on how Philip Morris and its lawyers invented and orchestrated "controversy" on secondhand smoke. Provides internal documents that document in the tobacco industry's own words how it spent "vast sums of money" to "keep the controversy alive" on secondhand smoke.
The Smoke You Don't See: Uncovering Tobacco I
Article in the American Journal of Public Health details tobacco industry efforts to derail smokefree policies, including disinformation, using facts gained from industry documents now available.
The Tobacco Industry and Ventilation
Short history from GASP of Colorado Education Center.
The Tobacco Industry's Latest Attack on the S
ANR report on May 1999 industry campaign.
The Tobacco Industry's Response to the Passiv
Report on tobacco industry activity analyzes industry interests in secondhand smoke, and shows the different strategies used by the industry to fight smokefree places.
Timeline: Tobacco Industry Actions on Secondhand S
Traces industry actions from 1977 to the present, including recruiting scientists, influencing media, and PR campaigns.
Tobacco Explained: 6. Passive smoking
ASH UK paper. Covers what was known and when it was known, inside and outside the industry, and what the industry did to influence public opinion.
Tobacco Industry Efforts Subverting International
Text of Lancet (2000) article documenting the tobacco industry's extensive efforts to subvert IARC research on the health effects of secondhand smoke.
Tobacco Industry Influence on Air Quality Standard
Paper discusses how and why the tobacco industry influences the setting of standards for indoor air quality.
Tobacco Industry Manipulation of the Hospitality I
Research paper reviews internal industry documents, finds the tobacco industry created a myth of lost profits to fight smokefree public places.
Tobacco Industry Opposition to Local Clean Indoor
Report outlines tactics used by the industry to defeat local smokefree air ordinances.
Tobacco Industry Quietly Funding Groups to Stop Sm
Article reports on tobacco industry use of front groups to infiltrate unsuspecting communities and oppose smoking by-laws.
Tobacco Industry Success in Preventing Regulation
Research examines the tobacco industry's strategy to avoid regulations on secondhand smoke exposure in Latin America.
Tobacco Industry Tried to Stall Secondhand Smoke R
Researchers sifting through thousands of pages of tobacco industry documents say they have unearthed evidence of tactics the industry used to try and derail a landmark U.S. government report that declared secondhand smoke to be a killer.
Tobacco Industry Underminded Report on Secondhand
A ten-year study conducted by the International Agency for Research in Cancer (IARC) examining the links between secondhand smoke and cancer was subverted by an unprecedented misinformation campaign coordinated by the tobacco industry, UCSF researchers find.
Tobacco Science Wars
Article in Science reports the tobacco industry has been bullying scientists, according to researchers who lead the campaign against secondhand smoke.
Tobacco's Secondhand Science of Smoke-Filled
PR Watch report on tobacco industry PR push to get the public to doubt the health effects of secondhand smoke; analyses industry tactics.
Tobacco, Lawyers, and Public Health
Article in the American Journal of Public Health chronicles the efforts of the tobacco industry to attack the evidence that secondhand smoke causes disease.
Tobacco, Lawyers, and Public Relations Firms
Article in the American Journal of Public Health on Philip Morris's worldwide "sound science" program to set impossible standards of proof for the study of secondhand smoke.
Tobacco-Industry Sponsored Research Misled Public
Mayo clinic research finds the tobacco industry went to great lengths to fight scientific findings on secondhand smoke, to create the appearance of scientific controversy on the subject, and to hide its involvement in all of this.
Covers the tobacco industry strategy of selling restaurants and bars the myth that smokefree laws will hurt them.
UICC GLOBALink ETS Documents
Several documents, primarily about tobacco industry actions attempting to discredit the effects of secondhand smoke.
Examines tobacco industry strategy to fight effective clean indoor air measures: ventilation.
What to Expect from the Tobacco Industry
Brief outline of strategies the tobacco industry uses to fight clean indoor air and smokefree public places.
Why Review Articles on the Health Effects of Passi
Statistical analysis of the research literature on secondhand smoke finds "the only factor associated with concluding that passive smoking is not harmful was whether an author was affiliated with the tobacco industry".