Benson and Hedges Symphony of Tar
Presents the down side of tobacco sponsorships, and provides some information about Rothmans and the Vancouver Food Bank that didn't get much attention in the mass media.
Big Tobacco Brings Message to Club Scene
Article reports on how two Canada tobacco companies use nightclub sponsorships to push cigarettes.
Buck Tobacco Sponsorship
San Diego county's buck tobacco sponsorship project provides information about how to eliminate tobacco sponsorship at California rodeos and related events such as rodeo-themed "bar nights."
Canadian Open Tennis Hall of Shame
Tobacco sports sponsorships; graphics of ads used, discussion.
Cash for Cancer for Music
Essay by a teen explores the industry's use of concert promotions.
Cigarette Bar Promotions
Gallery of cigarette promotions in bars shows how it's done.
Event Sponsorship: R. J Reynolds Documents
From the Mangini collection, 9 internal R. J. Reyholds Tobacco memos, letters, and slides regarding events sponsored, including sports, music, magazine, commercial, entertainment, and youth events.
Fight over Teen Tobacco Use Moves into 'Marlb
In auto racing, there's the lucrative Winston Cup. In professional baseball, football, and basketball, cigarette advertisements are positioned prominently near outfield scoreboards, behind the goal posts, and just above the backboard glass. And then there's rodeo. Article explains.
Formula One and Tobacco
Tobacco sponsorship of Formula One and its effects. ASH UK Paper.
Good-looking Guerillas Push Smokes
Tobacco companies are using the latest guerilla marketing tactics in bars and clubs to push cigarettes.
Monaco 96 - Marlboro Poster
Auto racing promotion of Philip Morris product.
Pat Sajak Show
R. J. Reynolds memo explains how auto racing sponsorship was used to get Camel cigarettes advertised on TV.
R. J. Reynolds Guilty of Violations
R. J. Reynolds was found guilty of violating its settlement terms by certain promotions; article explores why the tobacco giant invests heavily in NASCAR and auto racing promotion.
Racing to Addiction: Tobacco Company Auto Racing S
Factsheet lists events, approaches, and amount of TV time gained to promote cigarettes.
Smoking the Great Outdoors
Salon article on the Marlboro Adventure Team.
Case study of tobacco industry marketing documents shows that tobacco sponsorship works in a very similar manner to tobacco advertising (PDF document).
Sport and Arts Sponsorship
ASH-UK analysis of how, where, and why the tobaco industry spends millions on auto racing sponsorship.
The Use of Corporate Sponsorship as a Tobacco Mark
Report by the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids.
Tobacco Advertised in TV Through Motor Sports
Circumventing a US federal ban on TV advertising of both cigarettes and spit tobacco, major American tobacco companies have increasingly turned to sponsorships of motor sports events to keep a high public profile and gain new customers, according to a new study.
Tobacco Promotion at Sports Events Worldwide
Survey of events, games, and settings used by the tobacco industry to promote tobacco products.
Tobacco Related Bar Promotions: Insights from Toba
Extensive review of tobacco industry memos and documents gains insight into how the industry markets cigarettes at bar promotions.
Tobacco Sponsorship
Sports and arts sponsorships in the Pacific Rim.
Tobacco Target Shifts From Teens To Young Adults
Research finds that the number of cigarette ads in alternative papers shot up in the late 1990s, and bars, as well as the number promoting bars, clubs, and entertainment events.
Young Adults: Vulnerable New Targets of Tobacco Ma
Research finds that young adults are targets of cigarette promotions in bars and clubs.