english deutsch
''Light'' Cigarette Claims - H, "So Rich, Mild, and Fresh": A Critical L, A Day in the Life of an Advertising Man, Ad Money Moves from Billboards to Print, Bibliography: Advertising's Effects on Tobacc, Big Tobacco Shifts Ads from Billboards to Stores, Brand-stretching, Fact Sheet - Tobacco Advertising, Holy Smoke!, In-store Tobacco Ads
Events and Sponsorships
Benson and Hedges Symphony of Tar, Big Tobacco Brings Message to Club Scene, Buck Tobacco Sponsorship, Canadian Open Tennis Hall of Shame, Cash for Cancer for Music, Cigarette Bar Promotions, Event Sponsorship: R. J Reynolds Documents, Fight over Teen Tobacco Use Moves into 'Marlb, Formula One and Tobacco, Good-looking Guerillas Push Smokes
Product Placement
Activity Report -- R. J. Reynolds, Brown and Williamson Tobacco Product Placement in , Carleton Product Placement, Cigar-chomping Hollywood Heroes, Doctors Smoking on TV Shows, Fighting Smoking in Movies, Hollywood Puts Thai Teenagers on Tobacco Road, Hollywood Still Glorifying Tobacco Use, How the Tobacco Industry built its Relationship wi, How the Tobacco Industry Built its Relationship wi
Secondhand Smoke
American Cancer Society Condemns Tobacco Industry , Are Cigarette Makers Trying to Conceal Secondhand , ASH Challenge to reporting on passive smoking, ASHRAE Standard 62: Tobacco Industry's Influe, Blowing Smoke over Ventilation, Did Big Tobacco Deliberately Withold Election Expe, Disinfopedia: Freedom Organisation for the Right t, Don't Buy the Ventilation Lie, eBMJ -- Tobacco company set up network of sympathe, Enstrom Study
Teen Smoking
Ad Money Moves from Billboards to Print, Addicting the Young, Adolescent Exposure to Cigarette Advertising in Ma, Ads for Tobacco and Alcohol Swamp New Swimsuit Iss, An Ad-erage Day in the Life of a Kid, Bat Cave Inc. Youth Marketing Specialists, BAT Lures Young smokers With Online Scheme, Behind the Smokescreen: Tobacco Marketing to Kids, Big Bad Wolf Isn't the Only One Puffin', Big Tobacco Brings Message to Club Scene
'Another Cynical Ploy': ALA Responds to
Response by the American Lung Association to Philip Morris's announcement that it would consider regulation.
A Worldwide Tour of Outrageous PM and BAT Behavior
Short descriptions of the marketing and promotional activities of Philip Morris and British American Tobacco in a wide range of countries.
ACLU and Big Tobacco
Secret documents reveal ACLU ties to the tobacco industry. Find out how taking $1,000,000 from the tobacco industry may have changed the ACLU's positions.
Adolescent Exposure to Cigarette Advertising in Ma
Reserach finds that cigarette brands popular among young adolescents are more likely than adult brands to advertise in magazines with high youth readerships.
American Heart Association: Tobacco Industry'
Describes efforts of the tobacco industry, with reference to the Joe Camel campaign, and the brands Uptown, Virginia Slims, and Dakota.
An Open-ended Attack on the Public Interest
PRWatch article on tobacco industry use of PR firms and front groups to push "tort reform".
APCO, Philip Morris, and TASSC
Journalist investigates internal docuemnts showing the connections between APCO, Philip Morris, and TASSC.
Astro-Turf: Bogus Grass-Roots Groups and the Tobac
"How the tobacco industry uses bogus grass-roots groups to oppose local smoking laws." Thorough look at the National Smokers Alliance (NSA). Article from the Pacific Sun.
Baltimore Sun Cigar Coverage
Summary of series of articles that appeared in the Baltimore Sun about the marketing of cigars in the 1980s.
Big Tobacco and Rupe
"Secret documents show that Philip Morris loves Rupert Murdoch's tobacco-friendly media. He's also just happens to be on their board."
Big Tobacco Buys a Round for the National Licensed
Report on how the tobacco industry uses the NLBA as a key third party to publicly oppose smokefree policies in workplaces.
Big Tobacco Gambles the American Gaming Associatio
Documents how the tobacco industry has used the AGA as a public third party to fight smokefree policies.
Big Tobacco Rides East
Describes smuggling and the marketing of tobacco products in Vietnam.
Big Tobacco Serves the "Butt End" to the
Explains how the tobacco industry used this restaurant trade group as a front to fight smokefree workplaces.
Big Tobacco Smothers Latin America
Article on U.S. tobacco companies and their promotional and marketing efforts in Latin America; cites examples, summarizes.
Big Tobacco's Global Reach
The Reagan and Bush administrations used their econinmic and political clout to pry open markets in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and China for American cigarettes.
Cancer Cash: Light Up. Be Cool. Drop Dead.
Article about R. J. Reynolds tobacco promotion at bars and clubs catering to young people in Seattle area.
Cato Institute: "Libertarian" in a Corpo
Article explores the Cato Institute's funding and advocacy, which include large tobacco industry funding and advocacy for the industry.
Cigarette Push Defies Law's Spirit
News article on new tobacco industry marketing technique: approaching shoppers in grocery and convenience stores.
Cigars: The Shaping of an Illusion
Baltimore Sun articles examine the cigar boom of the 1980s, and cigar industry manipulation of media to promote the product.
Corporate Lapdog Poses as Citizen Watchdog
Covers Contributions Watch, a fraud which pretended to expose special-interest money in elections, was secretly created and controlled by a lobby shop paid for by special-interest money.
Designer front group
Documents origins of TASSC.
Double Standards of U.S. Tobacco Companies in Inte
Report from Public Citizen examines cigarette pack warning labels in 45 countries. Conclusion: what Philip Morris says about its product varies by country.
Essential Action Condemns USTR Pressure on Korea
"The U.S. Trade Representative is up to its bad, old tricks, working on behalf of Big Tobacco," said Weissman of the group Essential Action; item has the story.
Exporting the Epidemic: Tobacco and the Third Worl
Book chapter discusses tobacco promotion in developing countries and the third world.
FAIR: Media Moguls on Board
Cato Institute board member Rupert Murdoch is also a Philip Morris board member; Cato has taken money from Philip Morris and RJR.
How Big Tobacco Helped Create "the Junkman&qu
PR Watch article on Steven Milloy, his "Junk Science" website, and his tobacco connections.
India Inhales
Describes tobacco promotion efforts in India, and efforts to combat it.
Internal industry memo calls Gov. Pete Wilson &quo
Confidential internal Philip Morris memo describes then-governor Pete Wilson as "still pro-tobacco" and assures contact that Wilson is keeping the bulk of his tobacco money.
Junk Science and the Art of Spin-doctoring
Sites that portray research on secondhand smoke as "junk science" turn out to have tobacco money behind them.
Marlboro Man Goes East
Report on industry activity in Germany, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, and other East European nations.
Marlboro Man Goes Overseas
Op-Ed examines Philip Morris cigarette promotion in Asia, Russia, Central Europe and Latin America.
Marlboro Man Rides High as Smoking, Death Rates So
Radio Free Europe reports on tobacco industry marketing in central and eastern Europe.
Marlboro Man Rides into Russia
Short CNN article on tobacco industry activity in Russia.
Opening Pandora's Box
SFWeekly article covers industry activity in California between 1988 and 1993, primarily diversion of Prop. 99 funds; politicians who helped the industry; industry use of PR firms, lobbyists, and front groups.
Philip Morris Paid Rick Berman and Center for Cons
Expose of Rick Berman and the Center for Consumer Freedom documents payments totallying $2,950,000 from tobacco giant Philip Morris to Rick Bermman.
PR Watch: Tobacco Front Group Exposed!
"Special-interest Watchdogs" exposed as tobacco industry front group.
Project SCUM
Article in San Franscisco Weekly; tobacco industry documents expose an R.J. Reynolds marketing plan targeting S.F. gays and homeless people. Its name: Project SCUM.
Public-Interest Pretenders
According to Consumer Reports, "no one plays the public-interest pretender game better than the tobacco industry"; this article explains.
RJR's Field Force Unravelled
Reports names RJR field operatives in charge of coordinating and developing the "smoker's rights" movement and how much they were paid.
Skeptic's Dictionary: The Junk Science Page
Charges that "The Junk Science Page is not about junk science so much as it is about anything which does not support a conservative, Rush Limbaugh type, political agenda."
Smoke Screen: Big Tobacco is Working Hard to Ensur
Article from Hamburg, Germany, explores Philip Morris cigarette promotion worldwide.
Smoke Screen: U.S. Tobacco Overseas
Transcript of radio program on promotion of tobacco in developing countries by U.S. tobacco giants.
SmokeFree Air Newsletter, Summer, 1995
Short summary of front groups used to oppose NYC smokefree ordinance.
Smoker Group's Thick Wallet Raises Questions
LATimes article on the National Smokers Alliance documents the gap between its claimed membership and dues members paid.
Strange Bedfellows: the Tobacco Industry and the M
Covers history of the collaboration, and examines how and why the MRA helped the tobacco industry.
Study Shows Weekly Reader Conveyed Tobacco Industr
National Cancer Institute study finds that the Weekly Reader gave a pro-tobacco message at the time it was owned by tobacco interests.
TASSC and Other Tobacco Industry Ploys
Journalist Stewart Fist surveys the origins, history, and uses of TASSC, and the documentation on the above.
The Fraser Institute: Economic Think Tank or Front
Report examines the question (PDF format).
The Great Tobacco Robbery
Cato Institute editorial condemns money made by plaintiff lawyers "holding tobacco companies accountable for Medicaid expenditures allegedly related to smoking".
The International Tobacco Industry: Current Develo
FAQ on worldwide marketing of tobacco products.
The National Smokers Alliance: Exposed
ANR report on the NSA. "The goal of this piece is to reveal the origins, modus operandi, and game plan of the National Smokers Alliance, a "smokers' rights" front group created and funded by Big Tobacco to protect its profits."
The Nicotine Network
Series of articles in Mother Jones magazine. Particular emphasis on "astoturf": front groups created by PR firms to look like "grass roots" organizations.
The Tobacco Industry Funds "Hospitality"
Documentation on tobacco industry covert funding and organization of pro-smoking efforts in the hospitality industry.
The Tobacco Industry in New Zealand
Public health monograph of 105 pages (PDF format covers how the tobacco industry in New Zealand relates to the direct health effects of smoking, the addictiveness of nicotine, the effects of secondhand smoke, industry misuse of product design and opposition to harm reduction, industry opposition to tobacco control initiatives.
The Tobacco Institute's Center for Indoor Air
Uses original industry documents to show how, when, and why the CIAR was created.
The War in the States
Fund Article explores tobacco industry use of front groups with no obvious ties to tobacco to push for state "pre-emption" laws.
The War in the States (cont'd)
continuation of article; covers Citizens Against Tax Abuse, Citizens Against Government Interferencel, Minnesota Coalition of Responsible Retailers, Citizens for Fair Taxes, Maine Grocers Association, others.
Those Lovable Tobacco Execs
Column by money advisor Andrew Tobias examines the National Smokers Alliance.
Through the Smoke Screen: Another Philip Morris Fr
Article on Philip Morris, the NSA, and Contributions Watch.
Ties that Bind: the ACLU and Big Tobaccco
Transcript of radio program. Guests include Morton Mintz, who wrote an article on the subject, and Stan Glantz.
Timeline: Front Groups
Internal tobacco industry memos, letters, organized in time provide a look at the industry's use of front groups.
Tobacco Companies Targeting the Poor
Article on tobacco promotion in Pakistan.
Tobacco Company Masquerades as a Consumer Group
Campaign finance reform group provides a case study of Philip Morris bankrolling a front group.
Tobacco Giant Blows Smokescreen on Risks
British American Tobacco (BAT) tried to undermine the work of health experts in southern Africa in the 1990's; article explains.
Tobacco Giants Accused of Smokescreen
Nature Science report on how the tobacco industry manipulates restaurant and bar trade bodies to maintain smoking in public places.
Tobacco Industry Front Groups in Canada
Provides history and design of tobacco industry front groups in Canada.
Tobacco Industry Organization and Support of Hospi
Presentation at health conference summarizes tobacco industry use of restaurant and hospitality organizations.
Tobacco Industry Strategies and Front Groups
Covers the NSA, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the Empire State Restaurant and Tavern Association, and others.
Tobacco Industry Tactics
Outlines a broad range of tactics used by the tobacco industry to promote smoking, undermine health groups, influence government, and mislead customers and the public.
Tobacco Industry Targetting of Children, Women, an
Syllabus and resources for course at The University of Dayton Law School.
Tobacco Marketing - Where There's Smoke, Ther
Article on how Philip Morris is selling the Marboro Man in Egypt.
Tobacco Strategy, 1994
Inside memo shows how the tobacco industry influenced the Heartland Institute, National Journalism Center, National Association of Manufacturers, Tax Foundation, and other groups to advocate and lobby for tobacco industry positions and interests.
Tobacco's Hired Guns
How the tobacco industry gets researchers, scientists, and engineers to testify against smokefree measures.
Washingtonpost.com - Fighting for Lungs and Minds
Article on targetting of Asia by the tobacco industry.
Where There's Smoke
Article on smoking and tobacco in Hungary.
World Health Organization Tobacco Free Initiative,
Publications on the tobacco industry's tactics to undermine tobacco prevention in Egypt and North Africa, illicit tobacco trade in the Middle East, the economics of tobacco in Egypt and Morocco, and papers on tobacco in English and Arabic.
Writer Exposed as Tobacco Industry Hack
News summary and collection of articles covering Roger Scruton's deal with Japan Tobacco to write articles for them, such as attacking the World Health Organization.