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"Why I defend DWIs"
Attorney's explanation of the current inequities in investigating and punishing drunk driving.
A Crash Course in MADD
A critical look at Mothers Against Drunk Driving and its prohibitionist goals, from a professor emeritus at State University of New York.
AA Abuse.
Courts forcing DUI defendants into 12-step programs is unfair and counter-productive.
Catch Drunks, Don't Harass Drivers
Suggest that police should arrest drunk drivers, not drivers who happen to have had a drink.
Drinkers Against Mad Mothers
Argues that if MADD has its way, people who make responsible decisions about drinking will be punished.
Driver Research Institute
Extensive website presenting balanced information on DUI laws, punishment, rehabilitation and politics, from a San Francisco alcohol abuse counselor.
Drivers Against MADD Methods (DAMM)
An anti-MADD site that seeks to challenge the courts, legislation and organizations, and provide information designed to assist individuals related to DUI.
Drunk Driving Statistics
Reviews the misleading drunk driving statistics provided by the US government and the MADD organization.
DUI Gulag
States MADD's drive to impose a nationwide .08% BAC standard is a political agenda without public safety benefits.
DUIblog: The Great Drunk Driving Fraud
Comments, news and discussion about unfair and unconstitutional DUI laws.
Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) Resources
Provides a list of resources on the internet and in print form critical of Mothers against Drunk Driving (MADD).
National Motorists Association
The NMA supports drinking and driving regulations based on reasonable standards that differentiate between responsible, reasonable behavior and reckless, dangerous behavior.
Prohibition's Repeal
The "New Prohibitionism" wrongly equates use with abuse, and perpetuates the demonstrably false claim that increased alcohol consumption directly correlates to increased highway fatalities.
Reasonable Drivers Unanimous
Positions contrary to the prevailing views and policies for combating drunk driving.
Responsibility In DUI Laws (RIDL)
A group of citizens who contend that the current trend in DUI laws is aimed at criminalizing and punishing responsible drinkers, and is having little, if any, effect in curbing drunk driving.
The DUI Exception to the Constitution
The erosion of our constitutional rights caused by political pressure from MADD. (Audio with transcript).
The Great .08% Debate
Refutation of arguments supporting lowering the blood-alcohol limit to .08%, from the National College For DUI Defense