Gun Control News -
News on guns and gun control collected from diverse sources on the web.
Mother Jones Guns and Gun Violence Resources
Archive of articles on guns and gun violence, plus related links.
Outgunned: How the Network News Media are Spinning
A look at the media's role in the gun control debate.
PBS Frontline: Hot Guns
"A report on cheap handguns, their manufacturers, and the illicit handgun market."
Reason's Gun Page
Resources on firearms from Reason magazine, including articles about firearms facts, lawsuits, media coverage, and the Second Amendment.
Salon Politics2000: Gun Control
Essays from Salon columnists.
The New York Times Issue in Depth: Gun Control
Collected articles on gun violence, lawsuits, and gun control initiatives. (Free registration required.) The Gun Fight
Feature story and brief presentation of pending federal legislation, providing off-site links for further details.