State Testing
About MCAS, Alaska's High School Qualifying Examination, Bush Praises Local Districts' Use of TAAS for, Division of Student Assessment, Lawmaker Wants TAAS Testing to Include Special Ed , Mass Insight, New York Cheating Teachers - NPR, No Aggregated Score Left Behind, Ohio Proficiency Testing Examined, School Report Gets RAND-y Reception. VitalSTATS No
A Faculty Review of AQIP in Higher Education
An essay by Dr. Frank Edler reviews the Academic Quality Improvement Program (AQIP),an alternative accreditation program associated with the Higher Learning Commission, from a faculty perspective.
Organization devoted to improving the rigor and clarity of the process of standard-setting and testing. Provides standard-setting and benchmarking services to states and districts.
ACT, Inc.
The organization responsible for the American College Test, required for admission to the public colleges in the majority of states; manages other tests and programs, too.
AFT - Hot Topics - Standards-Based Reform
Research and opinion from the American Federation of Teachers on standards and standardized tests.
An On-line, Interactive, Computer Adaptive Testing
Lawrence Rudner has set up a mock CAT to illustrate how they work, with many citations at the end for further reading.
Appropriate Use of High Stakes Testing in Our Nati
Provides information on the appropriate use of testing in schools. Although testing is a valuable part of educational assessment, when tests are used in high-stakes circumstances, a number of safeguards must be in place.
Brouhaha on National School Testing
Most American parents are being told by local schools that their children rank "above average" in both reading and math. Christian Science Monitor.
Buros Institute
The Buros Institute, publishers of The Mental Measurements Yearbook and Tests in Print, provides critical analyses of tests and testing instruments.
CAHRS: Index of Working Papers
Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies, Cornell University. In particular, see papers by John Bishop on student testing and John Boudreau on personnel testing.
Cheating Teacher Skews Schools' Test Scores
The unfair help given to students forced Lawrence, Kansas school officials to ask the state education department to throw out some test results.
College Entrance Examination Board
Organization representing hundreds of colleges responsible for the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT), the Advanced Placement (AP) program, and various equity efforts.
Considerations in Developing and Using Computer-Ad
A paper by Patricia A. Dunkel, Georgia State University.
CRESST Homepage
The federally-funded Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing conducts research on topics related to K-12 educational testing.
Curriculum Support Key to Test Success
Teachers discuss preparation for the new TAKS test in Texas.
Education Commission of the States: Assessment
Assessment issue directory from ECS, an organization formed through a bipartisan interstate compact to help state officials study education issues.
Education Consumers Clearinghouse
Provides education's consumers access to information and opinion independent of the education community and sympathetic to the consumer's concerns and priorities.
ETS on the Issues
Essays from the maker of the SAT, GRE and other well-known standardized tests.
ETS: Policy Information Reports
Several dozen research reports from the maker of the SAT, GRE and other well-known tests. Reports are authored both by ETS researchers and invited critics.
Frontline: Secrets of the SAT
Television documentary focusing on the college-entrance Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT).
Measuring What Matters
PDF format report from business/economic development group supportive of testing.
National Assessment Governing Board
Made up of elected and appointed officials; oversees the content and operation of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).
National Association of Test Directors
An association of professionals with responsibilities for administering assessment programs in K-12 public educational settings. A selection of their research papers and newsletters are available on the site.
National Center for Fair and Open Testing
A nonprofit advocacy organization dedicated to preventing the misuse of standardized tests.
National Council on Measurement in Education
The primary U.S. organization of measurement researchers and practitioners involved in educational testing.
National Research Council: Board on Testing and As
The BOTA was created to assist policymakers and the public on issues of testing and assessment in education, the workplace, and the armed services.
NCPA - Education - Testing, International Comparis
Essays that review news and magazine stories, from the politically conservative National Center for Policy Analysis
NCTE Moves to Present Own Voice on High-Stakes Tes
Members of the National Council of Teachers of English pass a resolution to encourage continued research regarding the impact of high-stakes testing. - On Developing a Test Taker's Bill
Resolution passed at the NCTE 2000 annual meeting.
The new Programme for International Student Assessment of the OECD, involves dozens of countries testing their 15 year olds' skills and knowledge as they approach the end of compulsory education.
Pass or Fail?
Does testing unfairly discriminate against minorities? The case of GI Forum, et al. v. Texas is being closely watched by educators nationwide. Law News Network
Peter Sacks
Site maintained by Peter Sacks, author of books and articles about standardized testing, intelligence testing and achievement testing in education and the workplace.
Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation
This on-line journal provides education professionals access to refereed articles that can have a positive impact on assessment, research, evaluation, and teaching practice.
Rethinking Standardized Testing
Discusses the reasons that some students have chosen to boycott mandatory state standardized tests. Seattle Press.
Richard Phelps
Personal site of Richard Phelps which reviews over the books he has written and several other resources.
Right Answer, Wrong Score: Test Flaws Take Toll
Article accusing test development companies of inadequate staffing, quality control, and poor execution. Requires registration.
Scans: Real Tests for Real Kids
Wired News: Canadian educational software developer Gerry Morgan may have found a way to assess qualities such as creativity, insight, and teamwork.
Standardized Test Scores
RealAudio stream of an NPR report on parents objecting to the use of standardized tests to promote or hold back students in public schools.
Statewide Mathematics Assessment in Texas
A comparison of the Texas TAAS test to other standards.
STATS at Work: The War Against Testing
Summary of article challenging SAT opponents' logic, methods, and evidence.
Student Assessment and Testing
Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory Equity Center position paper.
Test Bashing Series
A series of essays from the year 2000 that counter allegations made by standardized testing's opponents.
Testing in American Schools: Asking the Right Ques
Complete 1992 report from the former Office of Technology Assessement, now available in PDF format.
The Education Trust
EdTrust works for the high academic achievement of all students at all levels, kindergarten through college.
The Evils of Mandatory Testing
As home schooling grows as a movement, there is increasing political pressure to legislate and control home schoolers.
The International Study Center at Boston College
ISC home page, headquarters for research on the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), PIRLS, and other ISC projects.
The National Assessment of Educational Progress
The "Nation's Report Card" since 1969, assessments have been conducted on national samples of schools periodically in major subject areas.
Thomas B. Fordham Foundation: Standards, Testing &
Reports, essays, and links from organization generally supportive of raising standards and measuring their achievement.
Unintended Consequences of High-Stakes Testing
Essay on the positive "unintended consequences" of high-stakes testing.
When a Test Fails the Schools, Careers and Reputat
Article accusing a testing company of making scoring mistakes and then covering them up. New York Times. Requires registration.
Why Testing Experts Hate Testing
Explanations of and counterarguments to often-used criticisms of standardized tests.
Wired News: A D-Minus for Computer Exams
Testing centers are going back to paper in some overseas regions.