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Opposing Views, Abstinence Only Sex Education Program in Schools, Back to School with the Religious Right: Sexuality, CNN - Waxman Report: Abstinence Courses Flawed, Florida Abstinence Evaluation, MSNBC - Carnal Knowledge: The Sex Ed Debate, NPR : Sex Education in America, USA Today - Sex education stirs controversy
Does Sex Education Work?
Article reviews research and argues that a comprehensive risk prevention strategy should use multiple elements to protect as many of those at risk of pregnancy and STD/HIV infection as possible.
Fight AIDS Now: Standardized Mandatory Sex Educati
Research report concludes the sexual education standards in Maryland's public schools are inadequate for preventing HIV transmission and provides recommendations for a more effective curriculum.
Kaiser Daily Health Reports: Reproductive Health
Daily reports on reproductive issues; includes sex-education topics.
National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy (NCPTP
Non-profit organization with a mission to prevent teen pregnancy by supporting values and stimulating actions that are consistent with a pregnancy-free adolescence.
Parents' Rights Coalition
Conservative group providing information and criticism on gay-related education materials and programs.
Pregnancy Prevention
Very large list of Internet links and references on education programs and other measures to prevent adolescent pregnancy.
Rethinking Schools Online - Let's Talk About
Large collection of articles and editorials describing and supporting comprehensive sexuality education and criticizing abstinence-only curricula that "leave teens without the facts they need to protect themselves".
Sexuality Education in the Schools: Issues and Ans
Site argues that school-based sexuality education programs conducted by specially-trained educators can add an important dimension to children's ongoing sexual learning.
Sexuality Information and Education Council of the
Promotes comprehensive education about sexuality, and advocates the right of individuals to make responsible sexual choices.