Opposing Views
'Choice' Comes With a Blindfold in Flori, Choice Options: School Choice, Yes -- But What Kin, Electronic Policy Network - School Vouchers, Moral and Normative Aspects of School Choice, People For the American Way: Private School Vouche, Rethinking Schools -- Special Section on Vouchers, School Vouchers: The Wrong Choice for Public Educa, Voucher Veneer: The Deeper Agenda to Privatize Pub, Wisconsin Education Association Resources on Vouch
4Choice - School Choice without Vouchers
Presentation of a model legislation that lets parents choose the school.
Alliance for the Separation of School and State
Argues against the interference by government in education.
Black Alliance for Education Options
Supports empowering low income black families with school choice.
Center for Education Reform
Advocacy, statistics, resources and guidance on education reform issues and action at the school, district, state and national levels, from School Choice, charter schools, and educational entrepreneurialism to high academic standards, teacher professionalism and local control.
Charter Schools Development Center
Resources for charter school developers and charter granting agencies.
Charter Schools Kiwi-style
A former member of New Zealand's Parliament describes the reforms in his country.
Citizens For Educational Freedom
Helps parents take action to acquire freedom of education for their children. Provides newsletters, a three-step tutorial what to do, and background information.
Class Acts
Arizona had 1/3 of the nation's charter schools. This study by business and economics writer James K. Glassman looks at competitive effects on all schools.
Cost of Education
Cato Institute study: What Would a Voucher Buy. Documents the cost of public and private education.
Diligently to Thy Children: The Case for School Ch
The group Toward Tradition advocates school choice based on Torah and traditional Jewish principles.
Dr. Quentin Quade's essays on school choice
Part of Blum Center at Marquette University's effort to collect, organize, synthesize and distribute information regarding school choice efforts across the country.
Education Policy Institute
Documented inside information on PTA and teacher unions. Education research and policy analysis from a public choice and pro-market perspective, plus expert revelations on teacher unions, collective bargaining in education, PTA issues, and education reform matters.
Educational Issues
National Center for Policy Analysis whitepapers on education issues, particularly School Choice and teacher's union obstruction of Choice reforms.
Eliminate Governmental Interference in Education
Alliance for Intellectual Freedom in Education supports Choice, with emphasis on homeschooling.
Excellent Education for Everyone
Collection of articles in favour of school choice by the coalition of New Jersey citizens.
Faith In Public Schools Fades
African-American parents with children in Georgia public schools are more likely than white parents to think private companies should run those facilities.
Floridians for School Choice
Action-oriented and effective advocacy for giving every family in Florida the opportunity to choose their child's school using public education funds as a scholarship.
FOXNews - Are Parents Boycotting Public Schools?
The article describes the movement of taking kids out of public schools.
Fraser Institute - Competitive Market Solutions
See what Americans can learn from school choice success in Canada. The Case for School Choice: Models from the United States, New Zealand, Denmark, and Sweden.
Freedom Of Education
News, information, essays, and links promoting educational liberty and separation of school and state.
Grandfather Education Report
A comprehensive review, in picture/graphic form, of the status and trends of education quality and its cost.
Jews and School Choice
The article shows the problem from a jewish point of view.
Michigan Union Accountability Act:
Mackinac Center for Public Policy takes aim at teacher unions as the main barrier to School Choice. See study, proposed legislation, and other policy research.
Milton & Rose D. Friedman Foundation
A foundation supported by Nobel Prize winning economist Milton Friedman. Advocates restructuring the education system to ensure educational service competition and free choice.
National Coalition of Alternative Community School
National organization supporting parents, students and teachers enrolled in alternative education. Membership information, publications, resources, jobs, news, and contact information.
PACE Parents Advancing Choice in Education
Montgomery County, Ohio grassroots example of community scholarships and guidance, helping parents exercise choice.
Parents In Charge - How Do We Build Better Schools
Policy brief focuses on teacher issues of quality and salary differentials affected by school choice.
Reason Magazine - No vouchers for you
Review of a speach by a member of the black community.
Reason magazine - Schools of Thought
Article explaining some backgrounds on the topic and the organizations involved.
Resources for Teachers Needing Help
The American Society for Ethics in Education offers resources for teachers.
Scholastic Achievement and Demographic Characteris
A large study comparing home school students and their counterparts.
School Choice and Policy Advocacy
The Boise Center for Religion and American Public Life publishd a list of advocacy groups.
School Choice Information Center
Institute for Justice champions individual liberty, free market solutions, and limited government in their collection of school choice articles
School Choice Programs: What's Happening in t
This conservative research facility publishes details and statistics on each state's School Choice efforts, and maintains links to many other Choice sites.
School Choice Research - Harvard University Index
Program on Education Policy and Governance presents research papers and executive summaries on the results of innovative US policies.
School Choice Research - Manhattan Institute Index
Comprehensive summary of education reform policy studies published by their Center for Civic Innovation.
School Choice Research - The Cato Institute: Index
Extensive library of studies, articles and monographs based on classical values of individual liberty, limited government, free markets.
School Choice Wars
John Merrifield, economics professor at University of Texas, in articles and a new book, explains why K-12 schools governed by market forces would be much more attractive to teachers than the status quo.
School Choice Wisconsin
Provides information on the impact of school choice on families, communities, and schools.
School Choice: Good for Teachers
A teacher explores reasons why Choice will increase demand and salaries for good teachers.
School Choice: Issues and Answers
Citizens for a Sound Economy research paper is easy to read and well referenced. It covers 8 forms of Choice.
School Choices: A Citizen's Guide to Educatio
A worldwide research comparing competitive schools to government run schools. Many essays, articles, book reviews, and complete book chapters included.
School Reform News
Reprints of education articles reporting on school reform efforts nationwide from School Choice to Teacher Unions.
School Reform News
The Heartland Institute's national monthly outreach publication for school reformers, with 1000s of articles on vouchers, test scores and graduation rates.
School Vouchers Links
Definitions of some common terms used regarding the issue as well as links to sites for and against school choice through vouchers.
Teachers for Better Education
Grass-roots organization of teachers who support school choice and the Opportunity Scholarship program.
The Brookings Institution
The center presents its research, books, and commentary.
The Charter School Project
An organization networking with charter schools provides weekly updates of the state legislation relating to public charter schools.
The National Charter School Clearinghouse
Provides resources on several charter school research topics.
The Right Thing; Why liberals should be pro-choice
A Brookings Institution fellow, in The New Republic, discusses emerging political constituencies for Choice versus the cognitive dissonance created by our current government monopoly.
The Union That Killed Education
Newsmax.com Book review "The Worm in the Apple: How the Teachers Unions Are Destroying American Education," a new book by Peter Brimelow
Universal Tuition Tax Credit
Mackinac Center for Public Policy - "Proposal to Advance Parental Choice in Education". Also available as a 76 page download.
Unnatural Monopoly in Education
Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty. Think-tank studies focus on economics of parents exercising their rights as primary educators of children.
Virtual Charters: Public Schooling at Home
K12, a Virtual charter school led by former education secretary, Bill Bennett, provides free curriculum, computers and connections for homeschoolers.
Who Got It Right? Retrospective on the Departmen
Thomas Fordham think tank juxtaposes federal bureaucratic promises with lack of results, concluding that in 20 years DOE has wasted billions satisfying teachers unions, and is detrimental to education.
Why School Vouchers Can Help Inner-City Children
The Manhattan Institute feature article by The Honorable Kurt L. Schmoke, Mayor of Baltimore "The City That Reads."
WorldNetDaily: Vouching for Liberty by Alan Keyes
Article by the conservative commentator proposing public school choice in the United States without vouchers.
Zelman v. Simmons-Harris
Actual June 2002 supreme court decision stating for the fourth time that school choice has no first amendment problem in religious schools.