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21st Century Information Fluency Project Portal
Designed to train users in in the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to fully understand Information Fluency. Focuses on teaching people how to locate, evaluate, and integrate digital information.
Alliance for Childhood
Resources relating to the recently formed Alliance for Childhood on technology literacy.
Assessment of Information Literacy: Lessons from t
This paper reviews higher education assessment methods; identifies useful theories and practices; describes assessment programs in academic libraries; and makes recommendations for changes in library education and for future research.
Bridging the Gap Between Literacy and Technology
This paper discusses using hypermedia to eliminate the language barriers that limited English proficient (LEP) students experience in the school settings.
Critical Thinking in an Online World
Author Debra Jones argues that critical thinking is a key component of information literacy instruction in this conference paper from 1996.
Cult of the Palm Pilot
This essay appears on the Boston Phoenix webpage. Dan Kennedy reflects on the changes in literacy practices that palm computing makes possible.
Developing New Literacies: Using the Internet in C
Paper discussing using the new literacy in content area instruction, how this area is changing, time restrictions, protection of children, keeping up with new developments and preparing children for their literacy and learning futures.
Digital Immortal
Article by Robert Lucky (pdf) questioning the continuing dominance of information technology. Original manuscript title: "Information Technology: Will This Too, Pass?"
Educational Technology Timeline
A timeline running from 40,000 BC to 2203 AD linking to important events in the development of educational technologies.
Educational Technology: Media for Inquiry, Commun
Describes a new way of classifying uses of educational technologies, based on a four-part division suggested by John Dewey: inquiry, communication, construction, and expression.
Educom Review: Information Literacy as a Liberal A
The article suggests that a liberal education, originally based on the idea of the "Renaissance man" notion, should apply to technology as well. Shapiro and Hughes also, believe that this new definition of literacy affects the quality of liberty in society.
Expanding the Concept of Literacy
This article discusses a new definition of literacy which states, "Literacy is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate and communicate messages in a variety of forms." The concept of "text" is expanded to include messages of all sorts.
First Monday: Technology and Education
This article deals with the mainstreaming of technology into the education system and the chaos that often ensues, the benefits of this change, and how it might be managed.
Free at Last: The Future of Peer-Reviewed Journal
Stevan Harnad in this D-Lib Magazine piece argues for self-archiving of scholarly work.
FutureKids of South Florida
This organization is dedicated to "Helping teachers and children around the world master the power of the computer" along with providing "technology education solution for public and private schools as well as other organizations". FutureKids also offers computer classes for anyone: from the whiz kid to the adventurous grandparent.
Higher Education in the Information Age
1997 symposium about the technological future and new models for delivery of education; new markets, competition, opportunities, issues, and business relationships in education; and the future of the undergraduate experience. Participant background and program details.
Information Communication Technology in New Zealan
Supports the integration of Information Communication Technology and Information Literacy across the curriculum. It outlines the SAUCE model for research and problem solving and aims to provide articles and resources to encourage higher thinking in the classroom.
Information Literacy and the Net
A series of modules to help students explore Internet resources through engaging in different forms of literacy, including visual literacy. A staff development project developed by Bellingham Public Schools in Bellingham, Washington.
Information Literacy as a Liberal Art
Article which discusses literacy in a broad, historical sense, and lists seven dimensions of literacy.
Information Literacy in a Nutshell: Basic Informat
An introduction to the concept of information literacy and model information literacy programs. It is designed specifically for academic administrators and faculty. Many links to additional related resources.
Information Literacy: A Clarification
Provides a history of literacy, including discussion of different concepts of literacy. It focuses specifically on the nebulous concept of "information literacy" and its impact on schools and libraries.
Interactive Instruction for Adult Learners
Links to adult literacy topics including interactive geography games, grammar, voter involvement, lesson plans with Internet-based resources and a link for low-level literacy learners.
International Society for Technology in Education
ISTE is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to supporting the use of information technology to aid in learning, teaching of K-12 students and teachers. A major goal of the organization is to bridge the "digital divide".
Learning Online: Extending the Meaning of Communit
A review of three programs from the Southeastern United States, which describes how online learning enhanced three organizations: SeniorNet, Neighborhood Networks, and Bridging the Gap of Isolation/Powering Up.
Literacy in the Information Age
As we enter a new millennium, the technology that we use to communicate with each other is proceeding at a fantastic pace. The key questions for us as educators are how is this technology best used to benefit our students, and how will this new technology affect them and their futures?
Literacy in the Information Age: Campus Honors Cla
A capstone course that draws on students' experience throughout their undergraduate program to discuss a series of themes such as community, the political sphere and education which have been impacted by the new information technologies.
Media Awareness Network
Offers practical support for media education in the home, school and community and "food for thought"on our fast-evolving media culture.
Meeting the Technology Literacy Challenge
Outlines the U.S. Department of Education's plan to increase information literacy in the classroom. It discusses issues such as equity, access and development.
National Educational Technology Standards
Provides educators with criteria to use and factors to consider for better implementation of technology in public education.
Orality, Literacy, and the Future of Computer-Medi
A historical perspective on the growth of electronic communication. Offers examples from Socrates to Martin Luther of how technology influences human interaction.
Publications by Donald Leu
Various publications on internet and literacy.
Structuring writing for reading: hypertext and the
This paper examines some textual devices that writers may use to pre-structure the activities of their readers. HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is used as an 'explicating device' to explore how writers can provide reading instructions, and how these can be experienced by readers. Structuring devices like paragraphs and sections, and hypertextual elements like notes and references are investigated in detail. In this way, the paper aspires to contribute to 'an ethnomethodology of textual practices'. - Abstract from Article
TechMission: Association of Christian Community Co
Nondenominational organization which supports Christian community computer access and skills centers around the world, seeking to make churches and Christian organizations a driving force in computer literacy. Descriptions of programs, events, and resources available.
Technology CyberTrends
Quotes from managers, professionals, consultants, journalists, futurists, and educators regarding the digital revolution, digital dawn, information highway, and Internet.
Technology Issues for Educators
Teams of educators participating in an online course developed a set of white papers on how new information and communication technologies affect schools. They produced educators' guides to Access Issues, Credibility and Web Evaluation, Free Speech versus Censorship, Privacy, Commercialism, Intellectual Property, Copyright, Plagiarism, Computer Crime and Technology Misuse.
Technology used in Adult Literacy Programs
This is a paper on how technology is affecting adult literacy programs.
Dedicated to publishing teen writing, as well as book reviews by teenagers. Teachers and parents of adolescents will find useful information. Teen and teacher discussions, author home pages, and more
Tella: Virtual School in a Networking Learning Env
The present paper describes factors that have facilitated the transformation of industrial societies to information and network societies; the possibilities of virtual school as a future-oriented school form; the tools of the new information and communication technology; and global networking as a framework for the learning environment.
The Gutenberg Elegies
Excerpts from the printed book _The Gutenberg Elegies_ by Sven Birkerts. Concerning the ways language and thought change together in a little dance.
The Implications of Electronic Information for the
Article by UCLA professor Richard Lanham which discusses how the current trend of text moving from paper to screen will force us to rethink literacy
The Internet: A Medium or Message?
An article discussing the Internet as being more than just a medium. It has the ability to create change.
TILT Texas Information Literacy Tutorial
A short presentation of the meaning of literacy in the information age.
Will Libraries Survive?
Geoffrey Nunberg reviews the history and politics surrounding the digitization of libraries.