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Commentary: Year-Round Schooling
Year-round schooling is the solution to many problems, according the President of the National Association of Year-Round Education.
Cost Effectiveness of Year-Round Schooling
An annotated bibliography and synthesis of the research as of May 1995.
Donoho - A Year-Round School?
News and information about the year-round movement. Also presents some alternatives.
Family Action Committee for Traditional Schooling
News and information from an organization against a year round education proposal in the Plainfield (Illinois) Community Consolidated School District 202.
More Schools Go Year-Round To Boost Achievement
A growing number of Chicago public schools are adopting or maintaining a year-round schedule solely for academic reasons.
Stop Year-Round School in Auburn
Information from an organization that defeated a year-round school proposal.
Summer Camp Professionals Speak Out Against Year-R
A commentary by the American Camping Association stating that year-round learning is not the same as year-round schooling.
The National Association for Year-Round Education
A non-profit organization which advocates improved K-12 education through the implementation of alternative schedules.
Year Round Schools
Research reports on year-round education by the British Columbia Teacher's Federation.
Year-Round School: The Long History of Failure
Over a decade of research documents that year-round school fails to deliver on promises of education and cost-savings benefits.
Year-Round Schooling
A position paper from the Alberta Teacher's Association discussing the many facets of the year-round school movement.
Year-Round Schooling in South Brunswick
Reviews of the feasibility of year-round schooling as a cost saving measure.
Year-Round Schools
Bibliography of studies and reports related to year-round schooling.