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American Association of School Administrators - A
Describes four complementary strategies to improve teaching and learning that make more sense than retaining failing students.
American Association of School Administrators - Wr
Describes efforts by Long Beach Unified School District to enforce its K-8 promotion standards.
Beyond Social Promotion and Retention - Five Strat
A review of current literature and practice suggests five promising alternatives to the practices of social retention and promotion.
Center On Education Policy: Social Promotion
Documents related to U.S. Department of Education-sponsored conferences held in 1999 and 2000 on the subject of social promotion.
Edweek - Summer School: Amid Successes, Concerns P
Describes the phenomenon of summer school as a last resort to keep students from having to repeat a year of school.
Harvard Education Letter - Retention vs. Social Pr
Describes the conflict between passing or retaining students who are failing their coursework. Offers citations for further research.
National Association of School Psychologists Posit
Research-based statement, with citations. "Given the frequent use of the ineffective practice of grade retention, NASP urges schools and parents to seek alternatives to retention that more effectively address the specific instructional needs of academic underachievers."
Social Promotion & Social Promotion & Gr
Long scholarly article, with citations, by Anne Wheelock.
Social Promotion vs Mastery Learning
Bellevue International School co-founder Bruce Saari describes mastery learning and social promotion at Bellevue International, Lake Washington International, and Marysville Arts and Technology High School.
St. Petersburg Times Online: Board wants to end s
Reports on the Florida state education board's proposal to end all social promotion statewide.
Taking Responsibility for Ending Social Promotion:
Discusses the practice of social promotion.
The Balanced View: Social Promotion & Retentio
A report prepared by Westchester Institute For Human Services Research. Provides an overview of pros and cons and statistics related to retention of students.
The San Diego Union-Tribune - California should en