english deutsch
A Measured Response: Americans Speak On Education
Testing service-sponsored survey showing a majority of Americans want both increased federal funding and greater accountability in public education.
A Nation At Risk
The prominent 1983 report on American education, from the National Commission on Excellence in Education.
A Nation Still At Risk
A follow-up to "A Nation At Risk", from the Center for Education Reform.
Balancing Accountability and Local Control
Identifies school takeover efforts that have seen some success including increased accountability, expanded flexibility, and more involved local officials and parents.
Do Children Need Recess?
A collection of references to research, journal articles, position statements, and news about the importance of recess in elementary school education.
Education Reform - The "Tough Standards"
A critical examination of formal education is presented from many perspectives: political, medical, psychological, and sociological. It makes a case that the student should be in charge of his own education.
Farming the Permafrost: How Public Education Defea
An essay by Jonathan Marin, describing a unique political landscape created by the constituencies on both sides of education reform debates.
Franchise by Examination, Education and Intelligen
The nature of intelligence is examined in terms of education and heredity . The author proposes radical changes to law and education to further human social advance.
Grandfather Education Report
A comprehensive review, in picture/graphic form,of the status and trends of education quality and its cost.
Institute for Responsive Education
The Institute for Responsive Education is a research, policy, and advocacy organization that supports and encourages school, family, community partnerships to enable high quality educational opportunities for all children
MDRC Education Research
Education research focused on programs with the potential to improve education outcomes for large numbers of low-income students.
National Issues Forum - Education
A non-partisan site that presents summary information and opposing viewpoints on education reform issues.
Prisoners Of Time
Report of the U.S. National Education Commission on Time and Learning. Schools tend to structure the learning process according to time allotted, not the other way around. The Commission recommends various solutions to this problem.
Redesigning Public Education: The Kentucky Experie
A historical review of the origins and implementation of the Kentucky Education Reform Act of 1990 (KERA).
Remedial Course Report in College
A report discussing the trends in the increasing percentage of university students requiring remedial courses, because of poor high school quality output.
Research for Action
A Philadelphia-based non-profit organization working in educational research and reform to insure opportunities and outcomes for all students.
School Funding Equity Mischief
An essay about the root causes and the effects of wasteful spending in the public school system.
School Reform in Massachusetts: Initiatives in 189
Looks at two education reform models used in Massachusetts public schools in the past. A comparison of Charles Eliot's proposal in 1893 and the state government mandate of 1997.
Society for the Advancement of Excellence in Educa
Non partisan research and policy analysis related to raising achievement in Canada's public schools.
Student Achievement and School Design
Two real schools whose outstanding standardized test scores are natural outgrowths of intentional curriculum and program design.
Success Oriented Schools
Save our schools through success orientation, without increasing costs are adding personnel.
The Decay Of Western Education
Articles describing the decay of education in western civilization in modern times.
The Delphi Technique.
What is that new process being used at public forums to reach consensus? This method is used by many educators to squeeze the public out of the reform process.
Transforming Learning Communities
A research project on school change and school improvement.