english deutsch
A Student's-Eye View of Education's Fall
Explores why a more innovative and progressive approach to education is held back by an institutional mindset that is threatened by, and even hostile to, revolutionary changes.
American Council of Alumni and Trustees
Committed to academic excellence and freedom of expression in higher education.
Coalition for Higher Education Act Reform
Recommends revision of the U.S. Higher Education Act which denies or delays financial aid to students with drug offenses.
Discourse on Shamefulness
An essay that argues for the traditional literary canon at the English Department in the University of Houston.
Foundation Coalition
An NSF-sponsored initiative funding systemic reform in undergraduate engineering education at seven schools.
Foundation for Individual Rights in Education
"FIRE is a nonprofit educational foundation devoted to free speech, individual liberty, religious freedom, the rights of conscience, legal equality, due process, and academic freedom" in American universities.
Higher Education Act: Reauthorization Status and I
A review of U.S. federal education policy, including the Higher Education Act, Pell Grants, student loans, teacher training, and distance education.
Impact of Internet on Higher Education
Report examining major university presidents' perceptions of the impact of Internet on education & pressures that promote & inhibit.
National Alliance for College Athletics Reform
Dedicated to insuring that big-time college sports do not compromise the educational missions of colleges and universities.
Pope Center for Higher Education Policy
Conservative public policy organization publishing white papers and other reports on how to improve higher education. Global in interest, but having a special emphasis on North Carolina.
Re-envisioning the Ph.D. Project
Dedicated to fostering national/international discussion and initiatives that address the question: How can we re-envision the Ph.D. to meet the societal needs of the 21st Century?
Rutgers After Lawrence: Reforming a Once-Great Uni
Faculty essay on the reforms needed at Rutgers University to strengthen academics and reduce the destructive impact of Division I athletics.
Society for Academic Freedom and Scholarship
Goals, activities, newsletter, membership info, and articles on current issues from SAFS, which seeks to uphold academic freedom and high standards against political correctness at universities in Canada.
Student Diversity Program at Cal State Fullerton
The SDP is designed to address the retention of "At Risk" students. Using unconventional methods of intervention, SDP has demonstrated over 90% success at California State University, Fullerton.
Student Loan Hell
Biblical argument for abolishing the ban on student loan bankruptcy discharge, as well as links to other student loan information sites.
The Collegiate Way: Residential Colleges and Highe
Reforming campus life by dividing large universities into small residential colleges like those at Oxford and Cambridge.
The Futures Project
Analysis of the role market forces play in higher education with the goal of developing and implementing thoughtful, market-oriented policy options.
The Irascible Professor
Irreverent commentary on the state of education in America today, by Dr. Mark H. Shapiro and guest writers.
The Learning Community Commons
The National Learning Communities Project provides cutting-edge academic learning community work in undergraduate education across the United States.
The National Academy for Academic Leadership
The academy educates academic decision makers to be leaders institutional change that improves student learning. Administrators and faculty will develop the knowledge and skills to effect systemic institutional change.
The Pew Charitable Trusts
Reports from research grantees addressing issues in higher education reform.
The Shadow University: The Betrayal of Liberty of
How university administrators, particularly in campus student affairs divisions, have abridged the civil liberties of students and faculty members, and what can be done to redress the problem.
Tuition-free MIT
A radical proposal arguing that schools such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which have many ties to wealthy corporations, should not charge their students tuition.
Providing case study analysis and informed opinions about higher education policy and works to assist students and the general public to understand key issues that affect them.
University of Illinois College of Medicine Expose
A brief expose by a former medical student of the practices which occurred at the largest medical school in the Midwest in the 1990s.
University Secrets: An Indictment of Higher Educat
University Secrets is the full text of a book describing higher education's failure to educate students and its exploitive transfers of funds. It criticizes grades, SATs, tracking, and housing policies.
Vermont Campus Compact
A higher education organization promoting greater institutional commitment to community service, service learning, and local partnerships