Austin ISD Changes from Block Scheduling
Article in Austin American Statesman describing the change from block back to traditional.
Block Scheduling
FAQ, schools using block scheduling, discussion listservs, and links to research and resources.
Block Scheduling - Look Before You Leap
Article written by the American Federation of Teachers union. Summarizes pros and cons.
Block Scheduling Articles
A large selection of articles on block scheduling from the Music Educators National Conference (MENC).
Block Scheduling issues
Listing of studies and web sites that have data on Block scheduling
Block Scheduling: A Solution or a Problem?
This articles discusses whether block scheduling is a flexible scheduling alternative that benefits students, or a fad that's sure to pass.
Block Scheduling: Is this Right for America's
A research paper focusing on the pitfalls and benefits of block scheduling.
Education Policy Analysis Archives - Block Schedul
Study which examined the effects of a tri-schedule on the academic achievement of students in a high school. The tri-schedule consists of traditional, 4x4 block, and hybrid schedules running at the same time in the same high school. Effectiveness of the schedules was determined from the state mandated test of basic skills in reading, language, and mathematics.
InfoWeb - Block Scheduling Information
A well balanced research report on various components of block scheduling in 25 high schools in North Carolina.
Online Block Scheduling Resources
Reports on block scheduling from the Web site of the American Association of School Administrators.
Phi Delta Kappan - Block Scheduling Revisited
Article looks at why schools moved to block scheduling, analyzes the benefits and pitfalls that educators have experienced, compares rates of student achievement, scrutinizes the overuse of the lecture approach, and reviews effective instructional strategies. Concludes with some specific recommendations to maximize the benefits of block scheduling in the future.
School Change and Block Scheduling
Web site offers tips on developing and implementing an alternative (block) schedule.
The Problem With Block Scheduling
The Case Against Block Scheduling: An Educational Fad that Hurts Academic Performance.