Block Scheduling
Austin ISD Changes from Block Scheduling, Block Scheduling, Block Scheduling - Look Before You Leap, Block Scheduling Articles, Block Scheduling issues, Block Scheduling: A Solution or a Problem?, Block Scheduling: Is this Right for America's, Education Policy Analysis Archives - Block Schedul, InfoWeb - Block Scheduling Information, Online Block Scheduling Resources
Compulsory Schooling
Alliance for the Separation of School and State, Ami's Anti-School Zone, Anarchy and Young People: Ending Compulsory School, Compulsory Government Education: Origins and Solut, Freedom Of Education
Curriculum Reform
21st Century Basic Skills, Accelerated Schools Project, Aim at Middle Grades Results, AKSES Writing System, Arts for Academic Achievement, Citizenship Curriculum, Educational Research Analysts, International Center for Leadership in Education, Mathematically Correct, NCTM Dialogues
Higher Education Reform
A Student's-Eye View of Education's Fall, American Council of Alumni and Trustees, Coalition for Higher Education Act Reform, Discourse on Shamefulness, Foundation Coalition, Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, Higher Education Act: Reauthorization Status and I, Impact of Internet on Higher Education, National Alliance for College Athletics Reform, Pope Center for Higher Education Policy
Reports and Research
A Measured Response: Americans Speak On Education , A Nation At Risk, A Nation Still At Risk, Balancing Accountability and Local Control, Do Children Need Recess?, Education Reform - The "Tough Standards", Farming the Permafrost: How Public Education Defea, Franchise by Examination, Education and Intelligen, Grandfather Education Report, Institute for Responsive Education
Senior Year
Cincinnati Enquirer - 'Senioritis' can c, - Law lets students forgo senior year, National Commission on the High School Senior Year, NPR : All Things Considered : Senioritis, NPR: All Things Considered : Roosevelt High School, PBS - Senior Year, - With 'senioritis' the dia
Social Promotion
American Association of School Administrators - A, American Association of School Administrators - Wr, Beyond Social Promotion and Retention - Five Strat, Center On Education Policy: Social Promotion, Edweek - Summer School: Amid Successes, Concerns P, Harvard Education Letter - Retention vs. Social Pr, National Association of School Psychologists Posit, Social Promotion & Social Promotion & Gr, Social Promotion vs Mastery Learning, St. Petersburg Times Online: Board wants to end s
Standards and Accountability
Campaign for Real Education, Independent Voices for Better Education, Student-Centered Education Advocacy Network, The Efficacy Institute
Teacher's Issues
American Society for Ethics in Education, Guerrilla Teachers, National Association for Prevention of Teacher Abu, National Center for Education Information, National Center for Exploited and Abused Teachers, National Center for Restructuring Education, Schoo, National Commission on Teaching and America's
Urban School Reform
Annenberg Institute for School Reform, Center for Urban Education, Cross City Campaign for Urban School Reform, No Excuses, Rethinking Schools, Urban Middle Grades Reform Network
Year Round Education
Commentary: Year-Round Schooling, Cost Effectiveness of Year-Round Schooling, Donoho - A Year-Round School?, Family Action Committee for Traditional Schooling, More Schools Go Year-Round To Boost Achievement, Stop Year-Round School in Auburn, Summer Camp Professionals Speak Out Against Year-R, The National Association for Year-Round Education , Year Round Schools, Year-Round School: The Long History of Failure
Acton Institute's Education Page
Proposing reform through morality in education, parental responsibility, and free market education.
Alliance for Excellent Education
Advocates for at-risk middle and high school students by promoting increased education funding and high school reform to help make every child a graduate.
Articles by Larry Phillips
Various articles on education and education reform, including the standards movement, school based management, and school councils.
Center For Leadership In School Reform
Committed to assisting school districts in building the capacity needed to support change at the school and classroom levels.
Center for Public School Renewal
Provides information on how more educational freedom-of teachers to teach, parents to choose, and the public to know- will improve public schools.
Center for School Reform
Resources from the Pacific Research Institute in support of parental choice in education, high academic standards and accountability, charter schools, teacher quality, and school finance reform.
Current Issues In Public Education
A Canadian site dedicated to providing information, opinion and research related to public education reform issues. Maintained by British Columbia School Trustee Katherine Wagner.
DEEP - Democracy Ethics & Educational Principl
Resources in Character Education, Service Learning, Citizenship Education, and Educational Reform from an educational nonprofit organization.
Diana M. Fessler
As an elected member of the Ohio State Board of Education, Diana Fessler is working to promote positive reform in Ohio's schools.
Education Benchmarks
Seeks to give citizens the information they need to understand the progress of public education reform in Massachusetts. Find out about your local schools, compare the performance of different school systems, track progress over time, and learn about Massachusetts education reform efforts over the years.
EDUTRUE: Education Reform From the Top Down
Offering different perspectives on education reform issues, including original essays, quotations, relevant links, and suggestions for student-driven reform.
Equal Child Abuse
An expose of how fraudulent Supreme Court rulings have inflicted massive damage on our public education system.
Good Schools
Presentation of issues facing parents, taxpayers and teachers in reforming schools in the twenty-first century.
Is It Good for the Kids?
A monthly column by ASCD Executive Director Gene R. Carter, which addresses timely educational issues.
What citizens need to know about education reform, school to work, early childhood education, and the restructuring of America.
Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning
Organization advocating standards-based school improvement programs. Includes news, issues information, research findings and curriculum materials.
MiddleWeb: Exploring Middle School Reform
Links, resources, and original reporting for middle school teachers, parents, and others interested in raising student achievement and reforming middle grades education. Weekly diaries reveal the real work of middle grades teachers.
Minnesota Education Reform News
News and commentary about education reform issues in Minnesota and the nation.
National Campaign for Customized Education
Presenting a specific model for reform, to help students nationwide by rescuing America's failed educational system.
New American Schools
A nonprofit organization increasing student achievement in public schools through comprehensive school improvement.
NGA Online: Education Reform
Policy research and links to information covering a wide range of education reform issues. Prepared by the National Governors' Association's Center for Best Practices.
NPR : Testing Scandal in Texas Schools
Houston schools have been implicated in a cheating scandal after test scores in some Texas school districts made suspicious leaps. An inspector general is investigating at least 23 schools. Questions arose in 2004 after The Dallas Morning News found strong evidence that educators were helping students cheat at nearly 400 schools statewide. [5:12 streaming audio broadcast]
On the Mark by Mark Weston
A compendium of columns written by Mark Weston about the role of technology in strengthening teaching and enhancing learning.
Organization for Quality Education
A group of Canadian parents, teachers, trustees, ratepayers and business people who are dedicated to reforming elementary and secondary education in the Province of Ontario. Also a good example of how a reform group should be formed.
Parents Raising Educational Standards in Schools. Wisconsin parents identify problems and offer advice on dealing with your child's school system.
Partnership for Kentucky Schools
Voice of the business community in Kentucky education reform efforts.
Politics in Education and at Work
An article calling for political involvement to reform US education to better prepare workers for technical vocations.
Project Appleseed
A non-profit national campaign to improve public schools by increasing and organizing parental involvement in all 15,000 public school districts in the United States of America.
Public Education Network
A citizen's gateway to the world of public school reform and local education funds.
Public Schools Today
Original articles regarding the state of education, and resources to aid in further study of education issues.
Redefining Education
The world has changed in the 50+ years since the foundations of our educational system were established. Our system of education has not evolved adequately. We need to redefine society's expectations and needs so we can redesign our educational system.
Save Our Schools, Inc.
A non-profit organization that provides educational tools to public schools so children may achieve their full potential.
Terri L. Miller, Ed.D.
Creating excellent learning environments one school at a time
The Campaign for Meaningful Student Involvement
Information and resources meant to encourage student/adult partnerships and action to create better schools.
The Lancasterian Monitorial System of Education
Joseph Lancaster (1778-1838) led a movement to establish schools that used what he called the Monitorial System, in which more advanced students taught less advanced ones.
The LEAD Center
LEAD (Learning through Evaluation, Assessment, and Dissemination) provides evaluation services and other assistance to educational reform projects around the country,including downloadable information on a variety of past projects.
The National Clearinghouse for Comprehensive Schoo
Created to improve the national dissemination of information on comprehensive school reform.
The Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence
An independent, non-partisan, non-profit organization of Kentucky parents and citizens working to improve education in the Commonwealth at all levels.
Thomas B. Fordham Foundation
Supports research, publications, and action projects of national significance in elementary/secondary education reform, as well as significant education reform projects in Dayton, Ohio and vicinity.
Toward a National Education Laboratory
Discussions and recommendations for the establishment of a breakthrough National Education Research and Development Laboratory
Truth, Lies, Rumors and Rumbles
Putting the "public" into Public Education for the Southern Regional School District.
Assists students and the general public in the independent analysis of higher education issues and policy choices.