American Civil Liberties Union Briefing Paper -
Restrictive language laws have been enacted periodically since the late 19th century, usually in response to new waves of immigration. These laws, in practice if not in intent, have punished immigrants for their foreignness and violated their rights.
English Language Fluency Act
Bill Summary & Status
Graphic: State Bilingual Education Requirements
A map view of the bilingual education policy in each state.
Language Policy Web Site
An exchange of news and views on English Only legislation, bilingual education, endangered languages and related issues of U.S. language policy.
Massachusetts Law and Regulation
Chapter 71A: Transitional bilingual education. January, 1997.
READ Institute
A national organization that supports research on English language learning and on effective schooling for language minority children in the United States.
Title VII Legislation
For bilingual education, language enhancement, and language acquisition programs.