english deutsch
100 Protest Initiative to End Bilingual Teaching
Los Angeles Times
Bilingual Ed. Legislation Passes House
from Education Week
Bilingual Education Column - Education Week
A Texas judge's remarks to a mother who spoke to her child in Spanish have sparked a national controversy. Bilingual-education advocates have asked the judge to apologize to all Hispanics, and have criticized him for a lack of understanding of their field.
Brisk stresses bilingual education for Americans
Daily Free Press. When Maria E. Brisk came to America as a graduate student, she was lucky enough to be fluent in English as well as her native Spanish. But the Boston University professor realizes not every child has been awarded such a chance. Brisk said the nation will suffer later if it is unwilling to offer financial support for bilingual programs.
Canada offers Americans bilingual education lesson
Denver Rocky Mtn. News
Debunking the Myths of the Unz Initiative
English is still being taught to immigrants but not in the manner and pace that nativists would like. The opponents of Bilingual Education feel that a child, regardless of age, must be placed in an intensive English-only learning environment, without regard to any other parts of the curriculum.
English Immersion--A Necessary Lesson
Congressman Wally Herger on English Immersion. My father grew up in a household where only Swiss German was spoken. When my father started school, however, he rapidly assimilated to the English language. And my father was the rule, not the exception.
Gov. Bush supports bilingual education
Seattle Times.
Hoover Essay- Bilingual Education: A Critique
The evolution of the bilingual education debate from its origin in the Civil Rights Act (1964) and the Bilingual Education Act (1968).
Hundreds Wait for Bilingual Education
Los Angeles Times - Hundreds of students whose parents have petitioned for bilingual education in the Los Angeles school system are in limbo while principals try to arrange bilingual classes.
IDRA Newsletter: Bilingual Education
A number of articles about the issue from the Intercultural Development Research Association.
Issues Page: Bilingual Education
An article from Education Week which examines different bilingual program models and reviews the debate over bilingual education. Includes links to related Education Week articles.
Loco, Completamente Loco
Reason magazine: The many failures of bilingual education.
Massnews.com - Bilingual Education Troubled Progra
Massachusetts has over 40,000 bilingual education students, and is one of only nine states in the US to require bilingual education in all districts where there is a sufficient number of students who are not proficient in English.
Online NewsHour Forum: Bilingual Education -- Sept
An excellent examination of the debate over bilingual education by PBS.
Opinions Vary on Studies That Back Bilingual Class
Los Angeles Times. As the debate over bilingual education bounds toward a spring ballot initiative, two studies scheduled to be released today land on the side of teaching children in their native language first, then gradually switching to English. However, critics of bilingual education and even some supporters raised questions about the studies.
The Bilingual Debate Index Page
Now that Proposition 227 has been approved, how should it be implemented?
The Case Against Biligual Education
Atlantic Monthly: Why even Latino parents are rejecting bilingual education.
The Politics of Language:
Hispanic Magazine. From a teacher's standpoint, there is no debate regarding bilingual education: Students' understanding in their native tongue makes school subjects accessible. Even though those in the classroom ought to know the situation best, politicians continue to politicize and debate the issue.
The Pros of Bilingual Education
Commentary by Domenico Maceri, The Denver Business Journal.
Twisted Tongues: The Failure of Bilingual Educatio
Article by Rosalie Pedalino Porter of the READ Institute arguing that bilingual education represents a radically departure from treatment of earlier generations of immigrant children and a form of segregation.
U.S. Bilingual Education Funds Ruled Out for Eboni
Washington Post article about the Clinton administration's declaration of "black English" as a form of slang, and therefore programs which teach otherwise cannot do so with federal money intended for bilingual education.