english deutsch
News and Media
100 Protest Initiative to End Bilingual Teaching, Bilingual Ed. Legislation Passes House, Bilingual Education Column - Education Week, Brisk stresses bilingual education for Americans, Canada offers Americans bilingual education lesson, Debunking the Myths of the Unz Initiative, English Immersion--A Necessary Lesson, Gov. Bush supports bilingual education, Hoover Essay- Bilingual Education: A Critique, Hundreds Wait for Bilingual Education
Policy and Legislation
American Civil Liberties Union Briefing Paper -, English Language Fluency Act, Graphic: State Bilingual Education Requirements, Language Policy Web Site, Massachusetts Law and Regulation, READ Institute, Title VII Legislation
Bilingual Education (Ohio University CALL)
Links to definitions of common terms and sites for and against bilingual education.
Bilingual Education Report
A review of biliingual education, its shortcomings and status.
Electronic Textbook: Bilingual Education
Information on BE policy, regulations, definitions of bilingual programs, and professional programs.
English Language Learner KnowledgeBase
An online resource supporting education professionals in the administration of programs for ELL students.
History of Bilingual Education
Article from the journal Rethinking Schools describing bilingual or non-English-language schools in U.S. history, starting with Ohio's adoption of a bilingual education law in 1839.
European network for information, documentation and research into regional or minority languages in education.
National Council for Languages and International S
This site provides a look at the work of the NCLIS and the Joint National Committee for Languages. The member organizations of NCLIS-JNCL are united in their belief that all Americans must have the opportunity to learn and use English and at least one other language.
Information and resources for educators on New York State regulations, policies, guidelines, and effective practices for educating students with limited English proficiency.
NYTimes.com - Wave of Pupils Lacking English Strai
Students who do not speak English well or at all are increasingly enrolling in smaller, rural American school districts with little or no experience or resources to teach them. [Requires free nytimes.com registration to view.]
Ten Common Fallacies about Bilingual Education
Discusses commonly held misconceptions about bilingual education in the United States.