ADHD and Medication
Balanced information on the proper use of Ritalin in individuals who might have attention deficit disorder.
ADHD Study: Study Points to More Targeted Use of R
While examining the brains of hyperactive, inattentive boys, Harvard researchers found a reduced flow of blood into a specific area of the brain known as the putamen which helps to control movement and attention.
Better Children through Chemistry
Article, presented by Meta News, on the use of drugs, particularly Ritalin, to combat ADD.
Connecticut Bars Schools from Suggesting Drugs for
A new Connecticut law prohibits schools from suggesting that children with attention deficit disorder be put on Ritalin or other mood-altering drugs amid concerns kids are over-medicated. Diane Orson reports on Morning Edition, from NPR. Realaudio format. 3:53 in length.
Drugged Obedience in the School
Summarizes how various narcotics increase and decrease sensory attention and motor activity, and argues that medicating children to get satisfactory behavior is the wrong approach for a number of reasons.
Frontline: Medicating Kids
A one hour documentary which examines the dramatic increase in the prescription of behavior-modifying drugs for children.
JS Online: Lawmakers hear stories of Ritalin overu
Lawmakers on the House Education and Workforce Committee hear complaints and comments about the use and abuse of Ritalin.
No More Ritalin
Book by Dr. Mary Ann Block covering the use of Ritalin and a non-drug approach to treating children diagnosed with ADHD. - Schools' Backing of Behavior Dr
State legislatures are moving to prevent schools from recommending or requiring that parents put their children on behavior medication. This comes at a time when many drug manufacturers are encouraging parents to consider their products as possible solutions to school problems. [Requires free registration to view.]
Over Diagnosis of ADHD, Overuse of Ritalin, and it
Short article with references.
Parents Told to Give Child Ritalin
Parents are told by the court to give their child Ritalin.
Psychiatric News: Charges of Overdiagnsis, Overmed
Summarizes an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).
Resolution to Ban Ritalin
Presentation by Patti Johnson, Colorado State Board of Education, encouraging the banning of Ritalin.
Ritalin - Miracle Drug or Cop-Out?
Republication of an article by Ken Livingston.
Ritalin and ADD/ADHD.
Information on the use of Ritalin on school children; side effects and evidence of over-medication; tips for parents on how to tell if their child needs Ritalin and how they can help their child handle the symptoms for which they have been prescribed the drug.
Salon News: P is for Prozac
How a government corrupted by special interests is spawning a generation of medicated preschoolers.
The Great A.D.D. Hoax
"Attention deficit disorder" is a hoax in that there is no such "mental disorder" to "diagnose" and "treat." Children labled as ADD are normal. They differ from what is expected of them in that they are of the Artisan (SP) temperament, and ADD reflects a medical bias against this personality type.
Why Ritalin Rules
How has it come to pass that where every child from preschool onward can recite the "anti-drug" catechism by heart, millions of children are being legally drugged with a substance so similar to cocaine that, as one journalist accurately summarized the science, "it takes a chemist to tell the difference"?