Essay which focuses on economic impact on third world workers along with visitor feedback. Somewhat pro-Globalization.
Dani Rodrik
Rodrik is Professor of International Political Economy at Harvard and provides online many papers on international trade and Globalization issues of a technical and non-technical nature.
Everyday Orthodoxy: Questioning Democracy in the A
Commentary on how we go about questioning globalization and the organization of society.
Foreign Policy In Focus: Democratizing the Trade D
Article by Lance Compa emphasizes importance of actively pressing for citizen involvement in trade debates and negotiations to balance influence of corporate elites.
Globalization and the Sum of All Fears
International trade changes the way weapons are made and sold around the world. And globalization is linked to new efforts to put weapons in space. [About.com]
Globalization: A Computerworld Special Report
Discussion and links about Globalization, focusing on Information Technology issues, as businesses move onto the world stage.
Jim Hightower commentary contending that globalization represents "a global corporate coup against We the People to seize power so that they might reign as sovereigns."
Current news and commentary from an anti-globalization perspective. Focus on corporate globalization.
Grandfather Foreign Trade and Reserve Report
Michael Hodges shows his concern for children who will inherit an economy that cannot balance its international accounts compared to prior generations?
Is "globalization" exaggerated? Fad vs.
Shows how international trade is not much more important now than it was a century ago, and documents the "new global economy" media fad.
Liberalization Dogma Shipwrecked
By Serge Halmi.Article from Le Monde Diplomatique (1998) contending the worldwide financial crisis was result of basic flaw of free-market beliefs.
Lost Profits: The Relationship between Corporate
Anti-Free Trade site which explores the relationship between free trade and lost profit.
No Trade, No Gain
Trying to stifle free trade would also stifle innovation and progress, contends article by John V. Nye in Reason magazine.
Philippe Legrain
Articles by freelance economics writer, former special adviser to WTO director-general Mike Moore and Economist journalist, currently writing a book about globalisation.
Columns on how trade deficits are damaging the American economy.