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A-infos Radio: Interview with Jaggi Singh of the C
Interview with Jaggi Singh about topics including the anti-globalization movement, FTAA, the Quebec City Protests in April, and American Imperialism. Downloads in MP3 format.
AP: Greenspan calls anti-globalization protesters
Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, declaring anti-globalization protesters "wrong-headed," said Wednesday the United States must resist calls for erecting protectionist trade barriers. By Martin Crutsinger.
Atlantic Infoshop: Anti-FTAA Protests
Background and event information, and news coverage of the Quebec City 2001 protests.
CBC News: Summit of the Americas 2001
Full coverage and in-depth look at the Summit of the Americas in Quebec City.
Center for Media Alternatives to Quebec (CMAQ) 200
Editorials, articles and coverage of what's happening before, during and after the Quebec 2001 Summit.
CMAQ: Activists try to shift focus of debate on vi
The Groupe Opposé à la Mondialisation des Marchés, Opération Québec Printemps 2001 and Forum Populaire de l'Outaouais are trying to shift the debate away from whether or not protesters will be violent or not in Quebec City. By Vincenzo D'Alto.
CNN: Police push back protesters as Quebec summit
Leaders of countries across the Americas opened talks on a regional free trade pact as police pushed back demonstrators opposed to further globalization.
CNN: Six with explosives arrested in Canada before
Six people who authorities say planned to disrupt an international conference with smoke bombs, grenades and other "frightening equipment" have been arrested.
Disinformation: Corporate Totalitarianism and the
The corporate media realizes that the anti-globalist movement poses a threat to their domination, as interest in the movement might inspire some viewers to seek out more alternative media outlets. By Wes Moore.
For Activists Today, It's Marks, Not Marx
Coverage of students opposing free trade agreements. [Washington Post]
FTAA Diaries
Zine highlighting personal political feelings of the protest in Quebec City in 2001.
FTAA Independent Media Center (IMC)
International coverage of demonstratrions and activism opposing the FTAA.
Globe and Mail: Meeting of finance ministers draws
As hundreds of protesters marched on a meeting of finance ministers in Toronto, Paul Martin said that he agreed with their position that global leaders should focus on social issues and democracy, not just trade. By Allison Dunfield.
NY Times: Demonstrators at the Summit Are Greeted
The Summit of the Americas got under way in this fortified city today with 34 leaders passing through color guards and red-coated Mounties inside the delegates' hall, while outside hooded protesters tangled with riot policemen under billowing clouds of tear gas. By Anthony DePalma. [Free registration required.]
Plastic: AP Bashes FTAA Protesters as Protesters B
The protests in Quebec have gotten rowdy, and the AP is going with the 'law-abiding businessmen versus violent anarchists' media spin.
Plastic: Quebec Protest Leader Kidnapped -- Was It
According to witnesses, the marauders were dressed like activists, and when Singh's friends tried to pull him back, they shouted 'police!' and beat them back with long batons.
Protests Delay Start of Americas summit
Anti-globalization protesters clashing with police delayed the beginning of the Summit of the Americas on Friday for one hour. [CNN.com]
Straight Goods - Quebec City FTAA Coverage
Independent and reader supported coverage of the issues and the protests.
Summit Under Siege
Police and anti-globalisation protesters in Quebec fight into the early hours, delaying the official opening of the pan-American summit. [BBC News]
This Modern World: We don't want to have to k
Editorial comic strip about the anti-protest security at the Quebec Summit. By Tom Tomorrow.
Washington Post: Protesters Disrupt Summit on Trad
"President Bush and 33 other Western Hemisphere leaders seeking to build the world's largest free-trade zone opened a summit meeting today as clouds of tear gas and violent demonstrations played havoc with schedules and delayed meetings." By Dana Milbank.
Will Free Trade Kill Democracy?
Coverage of the protestors, and how free trade impacts the countries that sign the agreements. [Salon.com]
Wired: Hacktivists Target Trade Summit
A coalition of cyber-protesters plan to flood 28 websites associated with this weekend's free trade negotiations at the Summit of the Americas with page requests and e-mail messages. By Jeffrey Benner.