Attac International, Citizens Trade Campaign, Consumers for World Trade, Counter-Attac, CounterProtest, EFTA- Promoting Fair Trade in Europe, Ethical Trading Initiative, Fair Trade Toronto, Global Action, Global Progress
Free Trade Area of the Americas
Activism, News and Media, A Consumer Perspective Regarding Intellectual Prop, Alternative for the Americas, Canadian Labour Council - FTAA, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CS, Committee of Government Representatives on the Par, Council of Americas: FTAA Advocacy, Democracy, Development, and Social Justice in the , Foreign Policy in Focus: Free Trade Area of the Am, FTAA: Opportunities and Challenges for Florida, Global Exchange: Free Trade Area of the Americas
News and Media
Commentaries, AlterNet's FTAA Coverage, BBC NEWS ; In Depth ; 2003 ; World trade wars, Corpwatch : U.S.-Mexico Border, - World Trade News, Global Exchange: Global Economy, Globalization 2000, Globalization and anti-capitalism, Globalization from, Globalization Watch, Globalization White Papers
North American Free Trade Agreement
Bush's Trade Policy: The NAFTA Express, Canada Slapped with NAFTA Lawsuit Against Another , Canspiracy, Global Trade Watch: NAFTA Coverage, Impact on California, NAFTA Forum, NAFTA's Three-year Report Card: An "A&qu, Notes of NAFTA: The Masters of Man, Texas A&M International University's NAFT, The Softwood Lumber Dispute
World Trade Organization
News and Media, AFL-CIO: Global Economy--What is WTO?, - Issues - WTO, Domestic Constituencies, FBI Raids Independent Media Center, Foreign Policy In Focus: World Trade Organization, Freedom to Trade: WTO's Promising Anniversary, GATT, NAFTA, and the Subversion of the Democratic , Globalization and the World Trade Organization, Globalize This, Hell, no. We won't trade
A World Connected
Looks at the lives of real people who are being affected by the processes of globalization.
Almanac of Policy Issues: International Trade
News, background information, and links on international trade issues, including GATT, NAFTA, and the WTO.
Center for Trade Policy Studies
The mission of the Center is to increase public understanding of the benefits of free trade and the costs of protectionism.
Archives of the MAI-NOT project, with a selection of anti-globalization links and a discussion forum.
Focus on the Global South
A program of progressive development policy research and practice that works on regional and global policy analysis, micro-macro linking and advocacy work.
Freedom to Trade Campaign
The Campaign promotes the view that free trade frees people; it is fundamental to eliminating poverty, promoting development and achieving political and economic freedom.
Global Economy Tutorial
A slide show attempting to educate citizens on the global economy and the current global economic crisis based on Z Magazine articles by Robin Hahnel.
Global Issues and Trade Related Issues
Addresses several aspects of the current model for global trading and how developing and developed nations could be affected.
Global Policy Network
Policy and research institutions connected to the world's trade union movements.
Global Research Business Institute
Based in UK, the GBRI is an educational body conducting outreach to business executives, journalists and civil servants, promoting a greater understanding of globalization and its consequences.
Global Trade Negotiations
News articles, working papers and links to various trade-related resources, such as NGO sites and government positions on trade policy.
Globalisation Guide
Presents the arguments of both those who support as well as oppose globalization.
Globalization from Below
Brief excerpt from book of that title by Jeremy Brecher, Tim Costello, and Brendan Smith.
A briefing by Corporate Europe Observatory critical of the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI), giving a history, background of major interests, and the role of international organizations.
OneWorld Trade Campaign
Coverage on trade from the OneWorld partnership network working for sustainable development and human rights worldwide.
Policy Briefings
Catholic Agency for Overseas Development provides several in depth reports on the WTO and Globalization
The Business Roundtable: International Trade and I
Represents American business interests through developing positions on international trade and investment issues.
The Case for Free Trade and Open Immigration
Online book that makes the case for unilateral free trade and open borders.
The Fair Trade Page
Articles and links about issues of fairness in trade.
The Fairtrade Foundation
Seeks to tackle the exploitation of workers in developing countries by giving consumers the opportunity to buy products that guarantee a better deal to producers. Site includes information resources and a report on coffee farmers and international trade.
The Institute for Nonviolent Economics
Works to build understanding among the public and among community organizers and activists of the ways by which economic globalization impacts local issues and daily lives.
Thunderlake: Functional Trade Policy Issues
Functional trade policy issues including development, agriculture, environment, labour, finance, investment, and transport.
Thunderlake: Government Trade Policy Agencies
Annotated links to international affairs, and foreign trade and research resources.
Trade Liberalisation Network
A New Zealand business organisation aimed at encouraging broad public understanding and support for trade.
Trades Union Congress (UK) -Globalisation
Information, articles and education on globalisation issues, from the trade unionist perspective.
U.S. Coalition for Fair Lumber Imports
Alliance of sawmill employees and woodland owners united in opposition to Canada's trade practice related to lumber exports.
U.S. Council for International Business
Promotes an open system of world trade, finance, and investment from the perspective of business.
United States International Trade Commission (USIT
An "independent", quasi-judicial federal agency that provides trade policy advice to both the legislative and executive branches of government, determines the impact of imports on U.S. industries, and directs actions against certain, allegedly unfair trade practices, such as patent, trademark, and copyright infringement.
USA Engage
Broad-based coalition representing American business and agriculture.
Washington Trade Reports
Essays on trade issues, with a focus on agriculture, labor rights, preferences and a new round.
World Economic Forum
The Davos meeting of political and business leaders aims to create the foremost global partnership of business, political, intellectual and other leaders of civil society to define and discuss the key issues on the global agenda.
World Economic Forum Membership Data
Detailed information of World Economic Forum member organizations by region, country and continent. Also lists specific multinational corporate names.