Alliance for Regional Stewardship, Business Alliance for Local Living Economies, Comparative Democratization Project - Economic Dev, Economic Justice & Fairness, Federal Community Development Programs, Handloom and the Crisis of Unemployment, Humanity Development Library, Information and Communication Technologies and Sma, Information for Development Program, Rapid Response - Knowledge Services for Developing
All About Trade and the Environment, Bjørn Lomborg's official homepage, Cato Institute Natural Resource Studies, DELTA Platform, Everything's Coming Up Roses: Economists vs. , Fiscally Green, Foundation for Research on Economics and the Envir, Free-Market Environmentalism, Infography about Environmental Protection -- Econo, Kinship Conservation Institute
Bretton Woods Institutions, Currency, Debt Cancellation, Investment, Trade, Alta Plana: International Economics Gateway, Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy, Development Economics and Economic Development, Finance and Economics, Grandfather International Comparison Report, IC2 (Innovation, Creativity & Capital), International Conference on Finance for Developmen, International Insurance Foundation, Penn World Tables, The International Economics Network
Money Supply
American Monetary Institute, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Federal Reserve Board Speech from 09/05/97, Foundation for the Advancement of Monetary Educati, Gold, Paper, or...: Is There a Better Money?, Grandfather Inflation Report - by MWHodges, Money Facts, Money. What it is. How it works, National Organization for the Repeal of the Federa, Soft Currency Economics
Monopolies and Oligopolies
AOL Time Warner, Microsoft, Bringing Consumer Choice to Electricity, Cato Institute - Intel's Sell Out, Egomania vs. Merger-Mania in the Media Biz, GATA and LeMetropole Campaign, Government Monopoly, Government School Monopoly May Fall of Its Own Wei, Oligopoly, by Robert W. McChesney, Postmaster General Foresees End to Mail Monopoly, Power Elites & Monopoly Power, School Choice Would Break the Education Monopoly
National Budget
Congressional Committees, Federal Budget, Almanac of Policy Issues: Budgets and Taxes, Budget Explorer, Budget News, Cato Institute: Fiscal Policy Studies, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Citizens for Tax Justice, Concord Coalition, Congressional Budget Office, Grandfather Government Growth Report by MWHodges
Price Controls and Subsidies
Broken Ladder: Government Thwarts Affordable Housi, Cato Institute: How Rent Control Drives Out Afford, Corporate Welfare Information Center, Fossil Fuel Subsidies - A Taxpayer Perspective, GRRN: End Subsidies for Wasting Campaign, Kick All Agricultural Subsidies (Kick-AAS), Paying for Pollution - How Taxpayers Subsidize Dan, Perverse Incentives - Subsidies and Sustainable De, Physician Behavioral Response to Price Control, Roosevelt's Message to Congress on Price Cont
Airports, Fire Fighting, NASA, Welfare, Center for Competitive Government, Charity and Volunteerism, Grandfather State and Local Government Report, How and Why to Privatize Federal Lands, Idea House: Privatization, Is It Time to Privatize the Postal Service?, Michigan Privatization Report, PB - Privatization Barometer, Privatization Center, Privatization.Org
Public Debt
Allegedly Wasteful Spending, Federal Deficit, A Better Auction Mechanism, And Why Governments Sh, Budget Explorer: The Complete U.S. Federal Budget, CCER National Budget Simulation, Debt Clock, Deficits, the National Debt, and Economic Growth, FAQ About the Budget and the National Debt, Federal Budget Spending, National Debt, Deficit, Flashback - The Balanced-Budget Debate, Grandfather Federal Government Debt Report by MWHo, The Mechanics of Inflation
Public Private Partnerships
BBC NEWS ; UK ; What are Public Private Partnershi, Beware Another P3 Scam, Funding Hospital Infrastructure: Why P3s Don', How Public-Private Partnerships Can Facilitate Pub, IPPPH - The Initiative on Public-Private Partnersh, Ontario Health Coalition -- P3s, PFI Resources, Private Finance Initiative (PFI), Public-private partnerships and the poor in water , Public-Private Partnerships Reality Check
Industry-Specific Regulations and Regulatory Bodie, Beware Fiscal and Regulatory Drag, CAFRman, Centre for Regulatory Affairs, Citizens for Voluntary Trade, Electricity Deregulation: Wired or Tangled in the , Government Regulation, Grandfather Government Regulation Cost Report - by, Power Elites & Monopoly: The Regulatory-Indust, Regulation Cost Compliance Report, Regulation Magazine
Cuba, Iraq, Can We Ever Justify Economic Sanctions?, Stuck in Sanctions: U.S. Needs Way Out of Policy M, U.S. Sanctions Against Burma: A Failure on All Fro, U.S. Treasury - Sanctions Program Summaries, United Nations Use of Sanctions
Social Security
Privatization, AARP - Social Security Update, Alliance For Worker Retirement Security, Almanac of Policy Issues: Social Security, Brookings Institution, Cascade's Social Security Page, Century Foundation - Social Security Network, Coalition to Preserve Retirement Security, Common Sense on Social Security, Concord Coalition, Employee Benefits Research Institute
Capital Gains, Estate Tax, Flat Tax, Internet Tax, IRS Reform, Marriage Penalty, National Sales Tax, Organizations, Tax Cuts, Tax Freedom
Almanac of Policy Issues: Economic Issues
Background information and links on U.S. economic policy.
Buying Gasoline - Fairness at the Pump
Presents arguments for the elimination of 9/10 cent gasoline pricing and for temperature correction of retail gasoline purchases.
Campaign for America's Future
Policy research project analyzing critical issues facing American economy, for progressives that focuses on issues of social justice like wages, social security and trade.
Citizens Against Government Waste
A private, non-partisan, non-profit organization representing more than one million members and supporters to eliminate waste, mismanagement, and inefficiency in the US federal government.
Grandfather Economic Report by MWHodges
A site comprised of a series of reports on various economic issues, with research is boiled down to the vital facts by an economic expert.
OMB Watch
A nonprofit research, educational, and advocacy organization that focuses on budget issues, regulatory policy, nonprofit advocacy, access to government information, and activities at the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
The Meaning of Productivity
Fred Bienefeld says standard economic measurements are false because they do not measure social well-being. From the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.
United for a Fair Economy (UFE)
UFE raises awareness that concentrated wealth and power has negative effects on society. UFE supports and helps build social movements for greater equality.