Abuse and Women With Disabilities, All Walks Of Life - Home of STOP the violence to p, Autistic People Against Neuroleptic Abuse (APANA), Beyond Abuse: Treatment Approaches for People with, Children Injured by Restraint and Aversives (CIBRA, Das Centre - Violence and Abuse, Deaf Abused Women Warriors Web Network (DAWWWN), Disability, Abuse & Personal Rights, Disabled Abuse Resources, Impact: Issue on Violence Against Women with Devel
Accessible Fitness, Accessible San Diego, Before Purchasing Wheelchair Modified Van, Blindness-Related Resources, DisabilityGuide.org, Gimp on the Go, Global Initiative to Enfranchise People with Disab, Handicap Parking Survey, International Center for Disability Resources on t, It's Our Money, Too
Legal, Advocacy, Inc., American Disabled for Attendant Programs Today (AD, Associated Advocacy Center-Visions For The Future,, Auto Workers Press, Axis Disability Rights Website, Bazelon Center for Mental Health Laws, Bear's Society, Center For Education Advocacy, Center For People With Disabilities, Inc. - a 501-, Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities
Basic Etiquette: People with Disabilities, Disability Etiquette, Disability Etiquette Handbook, Memphis Center for Independent Living: Disability , More General Disability Etiquette, People First Language, People-First Language: An Unholy Crusade, Pitfalls of Political Correctness: Euphemisms Exco
Candy Stripe Buses, Disability and Sexuality, Disabled Personal Classifieds Ads, Internet Dating for the Disabled, MossRehab ResourceNet, Sexual Health Network, The Committee On Sexuality, The Novel Approach to Sexuality and Disability
Almanac of Policy Issues: Disability Issues
News, background information and links on disability issues, including the Americans with Disabilies Act (ADA) and Developmental Disabilities Act (DDA).
But You Don't Look Sick?
A collection of articles, stories, book and product reviews, with health resources and a message board.
Disabilities Awareness Week at Haverford College
A Haverford College event that supports the missions of the College in terms of social justice, diversity, and "educating to lead, educating to serve."
DisABILITIES Information
Basic information for people with disabilities.
Disability is Natural
Kathie Snow's official website. Offers a new way of thinking (and talking) about disabled people, learning disabilities and physical and mental handicaps.
Disability, Culture and Service Issues
Selected bibliography of sources related to serving people with disabilities and disability culture.
Mothers from Hell 2
Grass-roots parent advocacy group, working for the appropriate education, community acceptance, needed services, rights of, and entitlements for individuals with disabilities. Resources, newsletter, membership, and contacts. Based in German Valley.
Services for Deaf and Hearing Disabled
News, employment, and events for the deaf and hearing disabled.
Stigma and Discrimination
Petition opposing NAMI approval of the Lunatix Online game which stereotypes people with mental illness and perpetuates stigma and discrimination.
Thalidomide Victims Association of Canada
An organization representing approximately 125 Canadians born disabled as a consequence of the drug Thalidomide. Site has position paper on the proposal to begin using the drug again.
The Media Edge
How to write opinion articles that editors will actually use.
The Trigger, the Pen and the Switch
Article on the killing of a woman thinking of moving her mother to a care facility.
The Way America Treats The Disabled
Tommy Allen Thompson's account of his experience with job discrimination.
United Family Congress
Group to unite every family with disabled children regardless of disability, diagnosis or personal circumstances, to stand together as one collective voice and to create a significant socio-politcal force for change.
Whispers of Hope
A center to discuss issues, to find resources, and to empower people with disabilities.
[About.com] Adoption Ability, Not Disability
Article for disabled would-be adoptive parents.