Christian Reconstruction
Chalcedon Foundation, Christian Reconstruction: A Call for Reformation a, Christian Reconstruction: God's Glorious Mill
Acknowledge God, America
Advocates adding an amendment to the US Constitution to acknowledge the Judeo-Christian God.
America's Christian Heritage
Recounts God-inspired words and events from American history and advocates a return to Biblical morals and politics.
America's Christian Heritage Week
Argues that the United States should be recognized as a Christian nation.
America's Godly Heritage
Argues that the wall of separation between church and state is uni-directional, and that America should be "a nation whose laws are self-consciously built on the laws and principles of the Bible."
America's Judeo-Christian Heritage
A listing of articles highlighting Judeo-Christian influence in American history. Current events from a prophetic and political perspective, and a weekly ezine.
American Center for Law and Justice, The
Law firm founded by Pat Robertson to represent Christians in church-state cases.
Biblical Theocracy
A book which presents theocracy as a biblically sound form of Christian politics. Distinguishes between theocracy (the rule of God) and ecclesiocracy (the rule of the church).
Christian Alert Network, The
TCAN believes that every Christian citizen has a civic responsibility to participate in the governmental process and that history records an inexhaustible amount of evidence that the founding fathers fully intended that federal, state, and local governments be based on Christian principle. Toward that end, they distribute "action alerts" on current public policy issues.
Christian America Amendment
Advocates the passage of a constitutional amendment to make America a Christian nation.
Greater Things Essays on Religion and Government
Commentary on the symbiotic relationship between the gospel of Jesus Christ and Zion's free government, the kingdom of God, and the preparatory Constitution of the United States. Revealed by deciphering codes in scripture (e.g. Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants).
Lordship of Christ and the Separation of Church an
Argues for separation of Church and State from each other while denying that either can be separated from the rule of Jesus Christ.
National Legal Foundation
A non-profit Christian constitutional litigation firm and policy think tank committed to restoring America's Biblical foundations.
National Reform Association
This organization's mission is to maintain and promote in our national life the Christian principles of civil government. Promotes a book titled "Explicitly Christian Politics".
Religious Freedom Coalition
Christian activist organization promoting the social conservative cause to U.S. Congress and working on behalf of persecuted Christians around the world.
Religious Freedom Home Page
Defines religious freedom as "the notion that people of religion can freely partake of the practices of their religion without opposition. This would not only include private devotions, but also acts of religious significance within the realm of government." The author applies the latter clause only to practitioners of Western religions.
Social Issues & Government [ChristianAnswers.N
Includes question-and-answer sections on "Government and Politics" and "America's Christian Heritage".
Spiritual Answers Online - Separation of Church an
Asks the question: What law actually dictates the separation of Church and State?
The Myth of Separation of Church and State
Suggests that the founders' intent was to protect the church from the state.
This organization's goal is to exert a direct and positive influence in government, education, and the family by (1) educating the nation concerning the Godly foundation of our country and (2) working with elected and appointed federal, state, and local officials to develop public policies which reflect Biblical values.