A Westernized Adoptee, Abolish Adoption, Adoptee Problems, Adoptee's Right to Know, Adoptees and Birthparents for Open Records Nationw, Adoptees' Caucus for Truth, Adoption Clubhouse, Adoption Fraud, Adoption in the Computer Age, Adoption Issues and Resources
Advocacy Groups
50 Ways to Save Our Children, Action Alliance for Children, Advocates for Children, Agenda for Children, Alliance for Childhood, Alliance for Children and Families, Amerasian Foundation, Inc., American Family Rights Association, American Youth Policy Forum, Annie E. Casey Foundation
Child Abduction
Individual Cases, International, Parental, Publications, A Child is Missing, AbductiondotINFO, AMBER Alert, Amber Foundation for Missing Children, Angel Safe Foundation, Beary Special Kids, California Missing Children Clearinghouse, Child Abduction is Child Abuse, Child Abduction Prevention, Child Abduction Resource Center
Child Abuse
Child Advocacy Groups, Critical Views, Domestic Violence and Child Abuse, Prevention, Ritual Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Shaken Baby Syndrome, Treatment, 2002 Pulitzer Prize Winning Articles from the Wash, 401-kids, ABA: Child Law Practice, Adults and Children Together Against Violence (ACT, Almanac of Policy Issues: Child Abuse, American Professional Society on the Abuse of Chil, At, at the grave of the unknown child, BASPCAN, Building a Better Court: Measuring and Improving C
Child Care
Research, Adults and Childrens Alliance, Alliance of Early Childhood Professionals, Alliance on Early Childhood Finance, Almanac of Policy Issues: Child Care, Canadian Child Care Federation, Child and Youth Care Association of British Columb, Child Care, Child Care and Early Education Research Connection, Child Care Bureau, Child Care by Kith and Kin
Child Labor
Abuses Against Child Domestic Workers in El Salvad, Child Domestics: The World's Invisible Worker, Child Labor and Society, Child Labor and The Global Village: Photography fo, Child Labor Coalition, Child Labor in Pakistan, Child Labor links, Child Labor: Issues and Directions for the World B, Child Labor: Issues, Causes and Intervention, Child Rights Information and Documentation Centre
Child Poverty
Abandoned to the State,'s Guide to Children's Rights, American Aid for Children of Nineveh, Iraq, American Bar Association Juvenile Justice Center, Ascent Russian Orphan Aid Foundation,, Child Rights Information Network, Child's Dream, Children in the U.S., Children Investment Fund Foundation
Child Soldiers
BBC News - Child Soldiers: Children of Conflict, Child and Young Adult Soldiers, Child rights information network: Armed Conflict, Child Soldier Use 2003, Child Soldiers, Child Soldiers, Child Soldiers Resources, Children and War, Children in Armed Conflict Unit: Child Soldiers, Children in Conflict: Child Soldiers
Child Support
Regional, Support Groups, ACES of Texas, Almanac of Policy Issues: Child Support, American Center for Child Support Reform, Association for Conflict Resolution, Bridging Borders, Child Support Central, Child Support Enforcement: An Overview, Child Support Options, Child Support Reduction, Deadbeat Dads and Deadbeat Moms
Corporal Punishment
Children are Unbeatable!, Corporal Punishment Archives, Corporal Punishment in Schools, Corporal Punishment of Children, Corporal Punishment Resources, Corporal Punishment: A Necessary Evil?, Getting the Belt: The Politically Correct Spanking, Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment o, Is Corporal Punishment Degrading?, National Center for the Study of Corporal Punishme
Foster Care
Alaska Center for Resource Families, Bill of Right for Foster Children, Casey Family Programs, CBC News: Disclosure - Ricky, Council of Family and Child Caring Agencies, False Abuse Allegations - Adoption and Foster Care, Foster Care Adoption in the United States: A State, Foster Care Ombudsman Program of California, Foster Children and Education, Foster Survivor
Parents' Rights
Chats and Forums, Alabama Family Rights Association, Children Need Their Dad, Children's Rights Network of Japan, Coalition for Improving Visitation Law Enforcement, Coalition for the Restoration of Parental Rights, , COPS - Coalition of Parent Support, Defiant Teenager - Parents rights, Dufferin Voices of Children Alliance, EPOC Brief to the Special Joint Committee on Child, Family Law
Service Organizations
Local, Alternate Shelter Society, Amici dei Bambini in Bosnia Herzegovina, AVANCE, Bartimaeus Inc., Big Family of Michigan, Blue Dragon Children's Foundation, Blue Valley Community Action Partnership, Boys Hope Girls Hope, Breaking Through, Bryan's House
A New World for Children
Offers monthly action columns on global children's issues, including AIDS, land mines, child labor, hunger and poverty.
Action for Child Protection
A consulting and training organization providing resources and technical assistance to national, state and county child welfare professionals and agencies primarily in the area of child protective services.
American Association for the Child's Right to
Protects, preserves, and promotes play as a fundamental right for all humans.
American Association of Family and Consumer Scienc
Works to improve the quality and standards of individual and family life through programs that educate, influence public policy, disseminate information and publish research findings.
Artists Helping Children
Seeks to enhance the quality of life for children in hospitals, clinics, and shelters by creating art for and with the children. Child art resources, donation and volunteer opportunities, and paint-a-mural program.
Australian Research Alliance for Children and Yout
A national collaboration of researchers, policy makers and practitioners devoted to building a better future for Australia's children and young people. Programs, publications, and media centre.
Board on Children, Youth, and Families Homepage (B
Created in 1993 to provide an authoritative, nonpartisan analysis of child, youth, and family issues. Board members, current research projects, publications, and meeting information included.
Brothers and Sisters
Offers a Christian perspective and practical tools on building successful relationships between brothers and sisters.
Budden Praed Foundation
Seeks to improve the quality of publicly funded social services for children and families. Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) methodology, news, and small grant program.
Center for the Study of Natural Systems and the Fa
Provides educational programs and information on Bowen theory and the study of family systems. Features mission statement, links and newsletter.
Chapin Hall Center for Children
A research center located at the University of Chicago that informs policymakers, service providers, and administrators on issues affecting the well being of children. Projects, publications, and newsletter.
Child Trends
An independent, nonpartisan research center dedicated to improving the lives of children and their families. Projects, news, and publications.
Child Trends DataBank
National trends and research on key indicators of child and youth well-being. News, data, and research briefs.
Child Welfare Workforce and Training Resources
Focuses on improving the skills and qualifications of social workers, child advocates, and others who provide services to children and families. Training information, university programs, conferences, and publications.
Childhood and Youth Division
Center of expertise, leadership, and coordination for children and youth programs, issues and activities within the federal government and Health Canada.
Children and the Law
Established in 1978, the ABA Center on Children and the Law's mission is to improve children's lives through advances in law, justice, knowledge, practice, and public policy.
Children and Violence
Provides resources for researchers and others interested in issues related to violence and children.
Children Now
A nonpartisan, independent voice for children based in California, working to translate the nation's commitment to children and families into action. Provides articles and resources in the areas of Children and the Media, Talking with Kids, and Working Families.
Children's Budget Report
A detailed analysis of spending on low-income children's programs in 13 states(1998).
Children's Bureau Express
An online, monthly digest designed for professionals concerned with child abuse and neglect, child welfare, and adoption.
Children's Partnership
Undertakes research and policy analysis, publishes reports and multimedia materials, and forges new alliances among parents, policymakers and the private sector to achieve tangible gains for children.
Provides statistical reports on the status of U.S. children and their families, including population, family characteristics, economic security, health, environment, education. From the Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics.
Provides publications and data at the state and national level on adoption, child abuse, welfare reform, foster care, and child poverty.
Offers expert opinion, important tips, and complete lists to handle virtually every aspect of raising a child. Information for parents, professionals, and grandparents.
Connect For Kids
Information for adults who want to make their communities better places for children. News, a directory of groups working on behalf of children and families, and articles on many parenting topics.
Provides children with the information and skills they need to live drug and violence free lives.
Deliver The Dream
A respite and retreat program that serves families facing serious illness or crisis by helping them to enhance coping skills, reduce stress and cultivate relationships. Press releases, newsletter, information on retreat weekends, and volunteer opportunities.
Embracing the Child
Provides children's books and other reading material to organizations that serve at-risk children such as safe houses, foster care facilities, and emergency shelters.
Eurlyaid - The European Association on Early Inter
An association of scientists, professionals and parents focused on children with special needs. News, conferences, and discussion forums.
Evaluation and Research Database
A UNICEF database that contains evaluations, studies and surveys related to UNICEF programs. Reports can be sorted by country, by region, by theme or by date.
Families Commission
The Families Commission is a government agency that is an advocate for New Zealand families. It funds research, seeks the views of the community, and works to influence government family policy.
Father Resource Network
A nonprofit resource, support, and referral service that helps fathers and families cope with difficult challenges and transformations.
FLAME Network
A voluntary network within the Church of England working for the enhancement of family life, marriage and human relationships.
Focus International
Details the factors causing issues such as pornography, AIDS, premarital sex, divorce, marriage and parenting and talks about organizations addressing them.
Forum for Youth Investment
Seeks to help organizations and individuals in the allied youth fields by providing research, publications, and issue discussions. Resources, news, and the periodic publication Forum Focus.
Generation - Youth Issues
Challenging the ways children and young people are viewed and discussed - includes a critical look at the concept of "children's rights".
Glasgow Centre for the Child and Society
Academic and documentation centre based at the University of Glasgow which conducts research, offers teaching, consultancy and policy advice primarily in the areas of child welfare, children's rights, child protection and young people and crime. Services list, recent publications, and scholar profiles included.
Happen Inc.
A unique, non-profit organization in Cincinnati, Ohio that helps parents and their children share creative, bonding experiences using art as the medium. Classes, community programs, and volunteer opportunities.
Helping Us Kids
Provides news and resources on health insurance, child care, education, and financial assistance for families with children. Resource sections are available in both English and Spanish.
Houston Family Foundation
A non-profit, Christ-centered organization dedicated to helping parents raise children and build families with virtue.
How to Make a Family
Columns, essays, and advice on issues pertinent to "family" in both its broadest and most intimate contexts.
I Am Your Child
Public awareness and engagement campaign to make early childhood development a national priority, emphasizing the importance of the first three years of life for emotional and intellectual growth.
Institute for the Study of Children, Families and
Located at Eastern Michigan University, the Institute applies scholarly research and practical expertise to issues such as foster care and child welfare.
Invest in Kids
A nonprofit organization in Canada focused on early childhood development. Research, publications, and resources for parents and professionals.
Journey of a Missionary
Assists children and families in Libano, Columbia. Programs, newsletter, Viatorian Center, and donation information.
Kids Count
A national and state-by-state statistical effort to track the status of children in the United States sponsored by the Annie E. Casey Foundation.
Kids First Coalition
Seeks to promote and encourage traditional families. Policy initiatives, congressional testimony, and press releases.
Kids First!
Evaluates, rates, and endorses video, film, software, and other media products designed for children using a volunteer, community-based jury comprising professionals, teachers, parents, and children. Reviews, articles, and newsletter.
Lists and tracks information on 30 health topics for children in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties in Northern California, and shows comparable California and U.S. data where available.
A site by the Children's Nutrition Research Center (CNRC) of the Baylor College of Medicine. Research, news, and information and resources for parents.
Local Investment Commission
An effort by the state of Missouri to work with citizens, businesses, and civic and labor leaders to improve the lives of children and families in Kansas City and Jackson County. Initiatives, news, and data.
Losing Generations: Adolescents in High-Risk Setti
Complete text of the book by the Panel on High-Risk Youth, National Research Council.
Middle of Somewhere
Web magazine for children of missionary families. Published by students from the American Christian School in Japan.
Military Children and Youth
Department of Defense web site providing information on military children and youth issues, programs, initiatives, and military and civilian partnerships.
Affiliated with the University of Missouri at Columbia, the site provides information on health, nutrition, finances, housing, divorce, parenting, and childcare. Articles, quick answers, workshops, and newsletter.
National Center for Children, Families and Communi
Seeks to improve the health and social functioning of low income, first-time mothers, their babies, and families by helping communities develop Nurse-Family Partnership home visiting programs.
National Center on Grandparents Raising Grandchild
Based at Georgia State University, the National Center seeks to assist grandparent-headed households via education, advocacy, and the promotion of informed legislation, policy, and practices.
National Child Welfare Resource Center for Organiz
Helps state, county and tribal child welfare agencies improve management, measure outcomes, and make decisions that protect children. Toll-free number, publications, and programs.
National Committee of Grandparents for Children&ap
Advocates and lobbies for substantial and urgent legislative changes that protect the rights of grandparents and children.
National Guard Youth Challenge Program
A structured, quasi-military training and mentoring program affiliated with the National Guard for at-risk youth that develops the life skills, educational levels and employment potential of 16-18 year old high-school drop-outs
Newcastle Centre for Family Studies
United Kingdom-based institute that undertakes and promotes multi-disciplinary research on family life and relationships. Publications, research, and post-graduate programs.
Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida
A non-profit organization that supports innovative programs that assist at-risk children and their families. Child abuse prevention initiatives, fatherhood programs, Circle of Parents support group, and Healthy Families Florida program.
Parents Helping Parents
Free and ongoing support groups throughout Massachusetts for parents, or other adults in a parenting role, who feel isolated, overwhelmed, or afraid of their anger towards their children. Parent stories, group locations, and volunteer and donation opportunities.
Promising Practices Network
Features programs and practices that credible research indicates are effective in improving outcomes in the areas of child health, child safety, schooling, and family well-being. Sections on proven and promising programs, research in brief, and strengthening service delivery.
Promoting Christian Child Care Alternatives
Resources for child protection, advise and help for those suffering abuse and for those who have a resposibility for children.
Separated Somali Children
Detailed special report by IRIN News on child-smuggling, including personal accounts, photo gallery and audio files.
Single Parents Community Network
A nonprofit, all-volunteer organization of single parents and their children in the Greater Washington D.C. area. Social activities, community service initiatives, newsletter, and resources.
Social Capital Partners
Invests in and incubates revenue-generating social enterprises that employ at-risk youth and other populations outside the economic mainstream in Canada.
Sure Start research and evaluation in the School o
Research and evaluation of Sure Start programmes. Sure Start is a UK government initiative to improve the life chances of pre-school children.
The Child Well-Being Index
Produced by Duke University researchers, the Child Well-Being Index is an evidence-based measure of trends over time in the quality of life or well-being of America?s children and young people. Description of index, data, and press information.
The Children's Institute, University of Cape
Aims to address the needs and rights of South African children through policy research and other academic activities.
The Children's Society
A UK based organization that assists street children, disabled children, young refugees, and children in trouble with the law. News, events, and donation and volunteer information.
The Comic Book Project
A project of Teachers College, Columbia University that engages children in a creative process leading to literacy reinforcement, social awareness, and character development. Student galleries, publications, and news.
The Future of Children
Online publication by the David and Lucile Packard Foundation whose primary purpose is to disseminate timely information on major issues related to children's well-being.
The Prevention Researcher Online
A quarterly newsletter about At-Risk Youth. Contains abstracts and references as well as full length articles on At-Risk Youth issues such as teen violence, teen pregnancy prevention, substance abuse, dating violence and eating disorders.
The Stepfamily Life
A weekly column highlighting the joys and unique challenges of stepfamily living.
Thrasher Research Fund - Research in Children&apos
A private organization that finances practical, applied pediatric health research and demonstration projects. Grant and contact information.
Toll-Free Numbers for Health Information
A list of toll-free numbers, and description of services, on health topics compiled by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Several topics related to children are included.
United For Justice
An organization that supports women and children in the areas of domestic violence, child abuse, sexual abuse, and custody laws in the United States.
Who's Minding the Children?
Essays about parenting and childcare, and about society's treatment of important issues that affect children.
YNIC and SCC - Social Change Center
A computer database, with over 300 different youth projects and 60 countries, all over the world.
Youth as Resources
Supports young people in funding, designing, and implementing service projects in their communities.
Youth On Track
American Freedom Assembly is a non-profit corporation concerned for today's youth. The founder travels across the country speaking to America's youth at schools, camps and churches. The site also provides a newsletter and a speaking schedule.
YouthAction Net
Provides a virtual community for young leaders. Discussion forum, virtual library, events, and profiles of young leaders around the globe.