A site to discuss and share opinions and rants, no matter how extreme the views, on whatever topic. Read articles, stories, and complaints.
Biph's Opinionated Site of Tomfoolery
Random rantings of a man on various ads and topics.
Bitch Sessions
Gripe about anything you want. Grouped by general category.
Foamy Dog's Rant Forum
Discussion forums / message boards. Theme/Focus: Conservative Forum, ranting. Topic Selection: users can start new discussions, but topics are pre-determined. Author Names: chosen on the fly (no username accounts or passwords). Discussion Structure: linear.
Java-based discussion forum / message board. Theme/Focus: complaints and whining about life. Registration Information: usernames optional (no username or password registration). Discussion Format: linear.
Forum to rant about what sucks such as government, politics, and major corporations.
Unjust Incidents Publication
People who have experienced unjust situations and want to share their stories with the world.
Bulletin board to express job-related frustrations and aggravations anonymously.