Personal Pages
Bad Subjects: Tuning In To Apathy, Fred E. Foldvary on Ignorance, Apathy, Greed, Fried. The only way.
A New Revolution: What's Your Opinion?
An essay on apathy leading to loss of freedom and the decline of personal responsibility.
Antiabortion Activist Prays for Voter Apathy
Article by John Nichols in the October 1998 issue of The Progressive.
Brief Me
Anti Apathy: Aimed to help people see fresh reviews of news in dozens of topical categories. Free to subscribers.
I Hate Gen-X : Voting
Statistics reflecting voter apathy among Generation X, with an explanation of the reasons.
Kettering Foundation
In trying to find ways to increase citizen participation and empowerment in society, the Foundation asks the question "What does it take to make democracy work as it should?"
Student Apathy at Social Security
House of Representatives member, Mike Capuano discusses young people being far removed from what will affect their future.
Take Back America by Sam Harris
Essay on fighting political apathy and disdain in the United States.
The Roots of Apathy and How Schools Can Reduce Apa
Essay by David O. Solmitz about passivity and submissiveness among youth, its causes, and proposed solutions.
Vote America, Vote!
A new alliance for progress between voters and business in which businesses offer voters rewards and savings for overcoming apathy voting; promotes larger voter turnout to insure a more vibrant American democracy.
Wired News snippet
College freshmen are more apathetic than ever.