Organizations, Products and Services, Abortion and Reason, Abortion and Women's Reproductive Self-Determ, Abortion Is Not a Sin, Abortion Rights, Abortion: Education through Information, Abortion: Teaching Why as Well as How,, Ban on Abortion Procedure Violates Women's Ri, Blood Libel, Civil Liberties and Public Policy Program
Activism, Essays, Organizations, Web Rings, A Mother's Story, A Simple Procedure, Abortion - Facts and Information, Abortion and the Bible, Abortion as Birth Control, Abortion, Abortion is Murder, Abortion TV, Abortion, Partial Birth, Achieving Peace in the Abortion War
RU-486 and Medical Abortion
Chemical Abortion, Chilling Out on RU-486, Information and Experience with Medical Abortion, Mifepristone (RU-486): The Medical Abortion, Mifepristone Information, Mifepristone: Expanding Women's Options for E, Nonsurgical (Medical) Abortion, Prescribe Choice: Working for Emergency Contracept, RU-486/Medical Abortion and Nonsurgical Procedures, RU-486: Malpractice Attorneys Should Prepare
A Doctor's Right to Choose
Gives the views from the medical profession's standpoint on political actions that could hamper the types of procedures performed on women ending pregnancies. From Salon Magazine.
Abortion and Ethics
Effective meta-site containing facilitated access to relevant articles, books, court decisions, and current news articles. Biographical guide, discussion forum, Internet resources.
Abortion in Law, History, and Religion
Outlines the history of abortion, restrictions on it, different religious views of abortion, and its current and evolving legal status around the world.
Abortion Issues -
Information, features, and web links on the issue and on pro-life and pro-choice views.
Abortion Law Development: A Brief Overview
An overview of legislative issues and court rulings affecting the abortion issue, including federal funding of abortion, partial birth abortion, parental notification, and spousal consent.
Abortion Policies: A Global Review
United Nations Population Division report on abortion laws and policies around the world, including a country-by-country survey. [Documents are in PDF and DOC formats.]
Abortion: All Sides of the Issue site describes the issues and various religious and ethical perspectives.
Abortion: History of Abortion in the United States
Article on the history of abortion in the United States, plus links to further information on abortion in the US and around the world. Includes prochoice and prolife links.
About: Women's Issues - Abortion Statistics
Abortion statistics reflecting world abortions, United States abortions, demographics of women receiving abortions and reasons for obtaining an abortion.
About: Women's Issues - Partial Birth Abortio
Gives the history and controversy of partial birth abortion, including the current status in the government.
Against Murdering Babies (Sorta)
Musings about how the anti-abortion position usually includes some exceptions, and the pro-choice position is not necessarily pro-abortion.
Almanac of Policy Issues: Abortion
News, background information, and links on abortion policy, including Roe v. Wade, RU-486, fetal tissue research, and related issues.
Civic Practices Network: Common Ground
Describes how pro-life and pro-choice groups use dialogue and shared concerns to find common ground.
Dr. Henry Morgentaler: Fighting Canada's Abor
CBC archives of news reports and analyses on the abortion issue, focused on the Montreal doctor who broke the law and opened an abortion clinic in 1969. Includes TV and radio clips and educational materials.
Fairfield County Weekly: Roe v. Wade
Five articles about abortion in America before the Roe v. Wade decision. One is a personal account of the reasons for being a pro-life activist. The other four look at various aspects of the history of abortion in the U.S., from a pro-choice perspective.
Fetal Psychology
Research study published in Psychology Today (Oct. 1998) addresses the relative developmental capabilities of the human fetus at particular gestation points. Relevant to abortion considerations.
Frontline: Abortion Clinic
A PBS archived documentary on an abortion clinic in Chester, Pennsylvania, along with an investigation on the women who went there and why. (April 18, 1983)
Induced Abortion - Canadian Perinatal Surveillance
Statistics about abortion in Canada, with comparisons to data from other countries.
Is it Possible to be both "Pro-Life" and
Essay by Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan seeking a middle ground in the abortion debate.
Just Facts - Abortion
Large collection of short "facts" about scientific, constitutional, political and other aspects of the abortion debate. Fully footnoted to identify the sources of the information.
Kaiser Daily Health Reports: Reproductive Health
Daily reports on reproductive issues; often includes abortion-related news.
On Abortion: A Lincolnian Position
Principled yet pragmatic, Lincoln's stand on slavery offers a basis for a new politics of civility that is at once anti-abortion and pro-choice. Published in the Atlantic Monthly, September 1995.
Planned Parenthood v. Casey
Supreme Court verdict on five provisions of the Pennsylvania Abortion Control Act of 1982.
Practical Guide for Abortion Doctors
Practical guide for abortion doctors describing techniques and clinical practics. In English and Spanish.
Pro Choice Talk
An issue neutral, free public forum organization for abortion debate. Contains articles, essays, member posted facts, quotes and different views on the legal abortion issue.
Resources on Abortion
Includes definitions of important terms, background information on abortion law, news stories about the issue, and various opinions. Produced for the Ohio University Computer Assisted Language Learning Lab.
Respect for Life
An organization that calls itself anti-abortion yet pro-choice, and seeks to keep abortion legal and lessen it through increased birth control iniatives.
Roe v. Wade (1973)[Group+410+U.S.+113:]([Level+Case+Ci
The U.S. Supreme Court decision which struck down many state laws restricting abortion. At the Legal Information Institue (Cornell University).
RU486 and the Abortion Issue, by Cartoonists
Collection of political cartoons about the abortion issue from newspaper editorial cartoonists around the world.
Should Abortion Be Legalised in Queensland, Austra
Student's argumentative essay on the social issues and legislation on abortion in the state of Queensland, Australia, including links to related sites.
Stenberg v. Carhart
U.S. Supreme Court opinions on the controversial Nebraska partial-birth abortion case. Hosted by Cornell's Legal Information Institute.
Summary of Abortion Laws Around the World
Gives abortion laws and restrictions in over 192 nations and territories.
Surveillance and Research - Abortion
Provides the latest statistics on abortion in America, grouped by demographics and trimester when abortions were sought. From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. [Adobe Acrobat Reader required].
The Abortion Debate
One person's attempt to take a rational look at the abortion debate, exposing flaws in the arguments on both sides. This is the preface from The Abortion Debate, a booklet for sale.
The Atlantic Online: Abortion
A collection of articles published in the magazine between 1965 and 1997. Topics include abortion in American history and a variety of individual perspectives on the issue.
The Morality of Abortion: A Critique
Personal philosophical essay that concludes that both pro-choice and pro-life positions, as understood by the author, contain anti-intuitive premises.
The Right to Incite
Question: Did anti-abortion activists have a legal right to post information about doctors who perform abortions?
Ultimate Abortion Law Homepage
Text and commentary on Roe v. Wade and its successors. Other legal elements of abortion issue including state and canon law.