American Catholic: All Hallow's Eve
What Catholics believe about witches, ghosts, and magic, The Tale of Jack O'Lantern and Christian aspects of the holiday.
Can Christians Celebrate Halloween?
Guidelines for a God-pleasing answer to the question of whether Christians can celebrate the holiday, by Pastor Richard P. Bucher.
CARM: Halloween
Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry looks at Halloween's origins and asks "Can a Christian celebrate it?" Yes and No.
Christianity Today: Hallowing Halloween
Why Christians should embrace the "devilish" holiday with gusto and laughter.
Don't Fear the Terror! Scriptures for Hallow
A guide to Bible stories and quotes about traditional Halloween themes. Includes links to literary stories and to Christian and secular websites.
Halloween Reclamation
Calls trick-or-treaters spiritually corrupted and proposes handing out bible tracts and preaching to them.
Halloween: From an Evangelical Christian Perspecti
Points out that many fundamentalist's assertions are based on erroneous materials and beliefs.
History of Halloween : Myths, Monsters and Devils
Disproves several fundamentalist's arguments equating Halloween with satanism.
The History of Halloween
A Christian takes a careful look at the origins of the holiday and gives his response to it in two parts.
The Real Origins of Halloween
An essay into the real origins of Halloween that debunks fundamentalist's preconceptions and stereotypes.
What the Public and Faith Groups Think of Hallowee
Statistics and a report of various opinions.