Annie's Halloween Page
Questions whether Halloween is really just another "harmless holiday." Written from a Christian perspective.
Christians Should Boycott Halloween's Evil
Contends that celebrating Halloween is not appropriate for those who should emulate saints.
Claims God forbids Christians observing Halloween.
Halloween Ban to be Discussed
News article discusses the Los Altos School District's debate over banning Halloween in the classroom.
Halloween in Light of Scripture
Contends that Halloween has its roots in everything related to Satan, therefore Christians should shun any involvement in it.
Halloween: A Celebration of Evil
A Christian view from "A Twist of Faith" by Berit Kjos.
Halloween: Its Origins and Customs
Traces Halloween back to the ancient religion of the Celtics and labels it a Satanic holiday.
Halloween: What It Is From A Christian Perspective
Explores the origins of the holiday.
Harvest Party
Halloween alternatives, autumn crafts, autumn recipes and games for Christian families, Sunday school and the school classroom.
Hope of Israel Ministries: Hallowe'en
A list of articles contending this observance is bad.
Horrors of Halloween
Contends Halloween and its symbols aren't "innocent fun."
Living Without Halloween
United Church of God presents a real player discussion in 6 parts on why people should live without Halloween.
Links to articles opposing Christian observation of Halloween.
Ten Reasons Christians Should Not Celebrate Hallow
Explores occult roots of holiday and argues against its celebration.
The Dark Side Of Halloween
Argues Halloween focuses on violence, fear, and the occult, and is, therefore, harmful.
What's Wrong with Halloween?
Cites historical and biblical arguments against celebrating Halloween.
Why Do Many Churches Oppose Halloween?
One of 75 questions taken from the book, What People Ask About The Church, by Dale A. Robbins.