By Region
African Timelines, American Mafia Chronology, Ancient Egypt Timeline, - U.S. Time Line Animated Map, Brazil and the Netherlands, British Medieval History, Iranian History Timeline, Medieval Europe Timeline, Palestinian-Israeli History TimeLine, Technology in America-Timeline
By Topic
1920's Timeline, 1980's Timeline, Age of Exploration Timeline, Atomic Age Timelines, Caronia (II) Time-Line Project, Christianity Timeline, Chronology of 19th Century and Victorian Era Event, Chronology of Personal Computers, Coconut Time Line, Composer Timeline
A collection of timeline links on the web for history, science, arts, literature, popular cultures, science fiction.
Ancient World History Chronologies
(10,000BCE-640CE) Text-style (.txt) pages, difficult to read but with rich content.
Timelines of history organized by category of events. Customizable. E-mail newsletters of timeline notifications, this day in history, and other topics available.
Din Timelines
A large, ordered timeline of world history from ca. 5000 BC, to the 1920s.
Flotte's Outline of World History
An illustrated timeline of history from prehistory to the present day.
Graham's World Timeline
Graham Drake's history of the World to 1717.
History of the World Timeline
(500BCE-2000) From the History Channel: select a century or decade to generate a timeline with links to other items or enter text to search the site.
HistoryMole: History Through Timelines
A searchable database of historical world events and themed articles from the last two thousand years.
Keeping In Touch With the Past and Future
World history timeline spanning the dawn of time to the 16th century, with images and links.
Millennium Timeline
Timeline of the second millennium as seen from Greenwich, England.
Piero Scaruffi's World History
Timelines for many countries, some empires, as well as religion and culture.
Regnal Chronologies
An archive of king lists showing both individuals and dynasties, as well as eras of foreign rule and non-monarchic periods for most regions of the world, from earliest times to the present. Includes some national heraldry.
The Modern History Project
A user-edited database of timelines for significant persons, organizations and events. Graphical display with cross-reference, searching, and links to other sources.
Timeline Index
Links to web sites cross-indexed by People, Events, Periods and Places in a chronological context.
Timelines of History
Universal history site with individual country timelines, also Today in History and various subjects timelines.
A web chronology project sponsored by North Park University featuring regional timelines spanning from 12,000 BC to present day.
An online database of people and events that shaped history. Create graphic timelines of periods in history and of the lives of individuals.
Wisdom Takes Time - Experience Time
A 24 page Graphical Journey through Life on Earth focusing on the formation of Human cooperations.
World History
A timeline of history from the formation of the Earth to the present. From Infoplease.
World History Timeline
(1200-2000) Timeline of links to important historical figures, with links to relevant websites, books, films, etc.
World History Timeline
Explore timeline of 2,000 years of world history on five continents. New section for "On this day." From Camelot International.