Going up Camborne Hill
The building of a replica of Richard Trevithick's 1801 Camborne Road Locomotive . Includes narrative and photographs .
Richard Trevithick
Letter written, shortley before his death, to his old friend Davies Gilbert .
Richard Trevithick (1771-1833)
Short biography together with a list of patents, key dates and family history.
Richard Trevithick - 1771 - 1833
Explains how he invented one of the earliest high-pressure, double-acting steam engines. Page includes sketches and an animated illustration. [English, Italian]
Richard Trevithick 1771-1833
Article discussing the range and magnitude of his inventive genius. Includes photographs and engravings of his inventions and links to further resources.
Richard Trevithick 1803 London Steam Carriage.
The original concept and the building of the replica . Narrative, technical specifications and photograph of the replica at the Goodwood Festival of Speed.
Richard Trevithick and the Cornish Boiler
Discussion on the design in 1812 of the then technological advanced steam boiler. Includes a short biography, diagram and photograph .
The Trevithick Society
Encourages interest in Cornish industrial archaeology through lectures, outings and other meetings and by publishing the results of individual research through its regular and occasional publications.