english deutsch
Drake, Sir Francis
Information on the 16th century circumnavigation of the world in the Golden Hind. Portions adapted from Francis Drake in Nova Albion - The Mystery Restored by Oliver Seeler.
Drake, Sir Francis
Sir Francis Drake's latitude errors point to his California landfall in 1579.
Drake, Sir Francis
A short biography of the English pirate/privateer.
Modern History Sourcebook: Francis Pretty
One of the men who sailed with Drake, writes of their voyage around the world.
Pirates and Privateers Sir Francis Drake
Biography of this English navigator and privateer.
Sir Francis Drake's Lost Harbor Found
Amateur historian's theory that Drake's lost harbor is Whale Cove, Oregon.
The English Mercurie - July 23rd, 1588
Scans of the English Mercurie July 23, 1588. Contains an original account of the battle with the Spanish Armada.
The Man Who Put England on the Map
Short excerpt from Smithsonian article defending Drake's reputation against modern attacks.