english deutsch
Aaron's Armory
Devoted to information of World War II German tanks. Includes photos, specifications, and biographies of tank aces.
Achtung Panzer
Portrays the history of german tanks and people of the Panzertruppe.
German King Tiger Tank
Development history, technical data, drawings and photos of the German Tiger 1 and 2. Also contains recommended books and link resources.
German World War II Prime Movers and Halftracks
Provides a short overview of various types and sizes of half-tracks, prime movers, unusual tracked vehicles and hybrids developed by the Germans from 1933 to 1945. Includes photos, descriptions, and lists of variants.
Pictures of preserved WWII tanks in museums, memorials and private collections.
Offers history, photos, specifications, drawings and artwork of German tanks.
Panther 222
Describes the restoration of the Panther tank number 222, now on display at the National War and Resistance museum, Overloon, the Netherlands.
Panzer Page
Portrays historical details of German armored vehicles. Find information on Panzer leaders, propaganda reports, miniature models and songs.
panzerdiesel.com - German Armored Forces 1935 - 45
Learn about the history, structure and organization of the German Panzer troops. Includes a collection of panzer songs, poems and a reference section.
PanzerKampfwagen VI: The legendary Tiger I
Pictures, history and technical data on all variations of the famous German Tiger I tank.
Portrays original photographs of German Panzers and other armored military vehicles.
Offers history and specifications of German tanks. Includes updates, articles, statistics, battles, modeling zone, and units.
Porsche Panzers
Learn about the history of armored vehicles manufactured by Porsche and the fate of the company after the war.
PzFahrer's guide to the Jagdpanzer 38
Provides a detailed study of the Hetzer. Includes photos, modifications, performance, and links.
Tanks in World War II
Information and pictures of tanks and other armored vehicles organized by country of origin. Includes a download section, forum, links directory and postcards.
The Armor Site
Learn about the development history, technical specifications, and combat operations of the German Tiger tank and other modern tanks. Includes a computer game review section.
Tiger Tank H-E-181
Photographs and descriptions from numerous angles, intended for researchers and tank builders. Information derived from D656/22,D 656/21 and other D656 Tiger Tank handbooks. Also includes links, songs and lyrics, humor, and other Panzer information.
Tigers & Panthers
A look at two of the most legendary armored vehicles of the war.
Links directory for tanks, self propelled guns and armored cars. Also contains wartime photographs and many recommended books.