english deutsch
Contains a breakdown of battles by area, along with maps and numbers of soldiers, tanks, and airplanes involved. Also in Russian.
Battle of Kursk - Wikipedia
Provides a background and summary of the battle, the proposed plans for both the Germans and Russians, and links to further resources.
Battle of Moscow
Discusses the German attack and Russian defence of Moscow and counteroffensive during 1941-1942 campaign on the Eastern Front. Also available in Russian.
II World War: Stalingrad
Contains information on operations, people, weapons, interactive maps, and pictures. Also in Spanish.
Kursk - July 1943
Comprehensive study of the battle of Kursk (Prokhorovka), July 1943, with many resources.
Books, pictures, forums and a large amount of background information on the catastrophic Battle of Stalingrad, 1942-43.
Stalingrad Battlefield Info
Russian site about the Stalingrad battle, with resources including photos of recently discovered relics. Offers battlefield tours.
Stalingrad, History of the Battle on the Volga
Contains history, photo archive, timeline, forum, and related links.
The Battle for Stalingrad
Provides a brief overview of the battle along with dialogue between Hitler and his generals. GCSE History site.
World War II in Ukraine
Describes the Ukrainian experience of World War II.
Zhukov's Archives
Provides summaries of several battles involving the Soviet Union, with pictures and maps.