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Opposing Views, American Concentration Camps Photo Gallery, Americans for Historical Accuracy, High School Diplomas 50 Years Late, Japanese American Internment Memorial, Japanese-American comments on treatment of US Musl, Redress for Japanese-Americans: Civil Liberties Ac, Remembering Manzanar
Courses and Lesson Plans
Citizenship Denied: An Integrated Unit on the Japa, Japanese American Internment, Japanese-American Internment Camps
A More Perfect Union - Japanese Americans and the
Focuses on the experience of Japanese Americans who were placed in detention camps in World War II.
Army Shootings
Little-known incidents and accounts of US Army shootings of Japanese-Americans interned in relocation camps during WW II (in one case, a $1.00 charge was assessed against the shooter to recover the cost of the bullet).
Bibliography and Links - Relocation
Materials on the evacuation and relocation of Japanese-Americans at Las Positas Community College, Calif.
Camp Harmony (Puyallup Assembly Center)
In-depth online exhibit of the history (from notification to the move to Minidoka) and daily camp life of Japanese-Americans in this WW II relocation assembly camp. Photos, eyewitness accounts, issues of camp newspaper, WRA regulations, staff memos, correspondence.
Children of the Camps - PBS
Companion website to a PBS documentary of the experiences of Japanese American children interned behind barbed wire during World War II.
Conscience and the Constitution
Video documentary on the Heart Mountain Fair Play Committee, the largest organized resistance to the World War II incarceration of Japanese Americans. Primary documents, study guide, news updates.
Conscience and the Constitution
The story of the young Japanese Americans who refused to be drafted from an American concentration camp in World War II. Biographies, timeline, documents, letters, PBS film review.
Dorothea Lange's Photographs of the Japanese-
Collection of contemporary photographs of the Japanese-Americans in the process of being interned.
Executive Order 9066
Information on an illustrated book about the internment of 110,000 Japanese Americans.
Free to Die for Their Country
The drafting of internees out of camps and into the Army; some resisted and went to prison. Excerpt from forthcoming book.
Further and Further Away
Covers the relocation of San Diego's Nisei (Japanese-American) Community, 1942.
Internment and Evacuation of San Francisco Japanes
Newspaper coverage of the day, PowerPoint presentations, Dorothea Lange's documentary photos, links.
Japanese-American National Museum
Resources about the WW II Japanese-American relocation and internment experience.
Japanese-American Orphans Evicted From Orphanages
Orphanages packed orphans of Japanese ancestry off to government relocation camps during WW II. CNN article.
Joseph Yoshisuke Kurihara
How a Hawaiian-born American citizen, patriot, and US Army WW I veteran decided to become one of a group of WW II Japanese-American relocation camp interns to renounce his American citizenship.
Life in Camp Harmony
A first-hand account of a little girl's impressions at being trapped behind a fence guarded by machine guns during the WW II evacuation of Japanese-Americans. Excerpt from book "Nisei Daughter" by Monica Itoi Stone.
Manzanar: America's Concentration Camp
A camp where Americans of Japanese descent were interned during the war because of rampant anti-Japanese fears in the United States during World War Two.
Masumi Hayashi Photography
Cleveland-based artist/photographer presents art and research about the WW II internment of Japanese-Americans.
Poignant Memories
Article subtitled "Relocation to internment camp was a nightmare for Japanese-American couple" by Stefanie Asin, Houston Chronicle.
Relocation of Japanese-Americans
1943 War Relocation Authority pamphlet covering background, program, evacuees, students, evacuee property. Image of original cover. Photos.
Smithsonian: A More Perfect Union
Synopsis of Japanese-American Internment exhibition that "celebrates the Constitution but goes on to reveal how in a time of grave national crisis, racial fear and prejudice swept away the freedoms it guarantees."
Suffering Under a Great Injustice
The Library of Congress presents Ansel Adams's photographs of Japanese American internment at Manzanar.
The Granada Relocation Center Site
Links, quotations, and photographs of life in the Japanese-American relocation camp near Amache, Colorado. From the Colorado State Archives.
The Japanese American Internment - GeoCities Site
A rich, broad collection focusing on individual experiences compiled by C. John Yu, who notes of the perceived threat that triggered the tragedy: "In the entire course of the war, 10 people were convicted of spying for Japan, all of whom were Caucasian."
The Smith Collection Scans
Scans of broadsides and correspondence relating to the evacuation and resettlement of Japanese-Americans during WWII from materials at the Robert E. Kennedy Library at CalPoly.
The Treatment of Japanese Americans During World W
The Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute presents an examination of Supreme Court cases relevant to the West Coast relocation program with historical background and social environment. Notes, unit test, and list of materials for classroom use.
Tule Lake and Topaz Relocation Camp Photos
Japanese-American Internment in WW II online photographic exhibit. Hosted by the University of Utah.
Tule Lake Internment Camp
Information and resources on this WWII Japanese-American internment camp, located in Tule Lake, California.
War Relocation Authority Camps in Arizona, 1942-19
Images depict the daily life of Japanese-American interns.
WCCA Operations Manual, Part XXXV
List of rules in force at assembly centers used in the evacuation of Japanese-Americans from the West Coast in WW II on their way to internment at relocation camps.
Wendi's Grandfather - An Internment Experienc
A high school student's report on her grandfather's experience as an Japanese-American intern in a WW II relocation camp.