english deutsch
3rd Canadian Infantry Division
Citations of all gallantry awards to men of the 3rd Division in 1945, with narrative of campaign.
Aviation in Newfoundland and Labrador
A brief look at air and army base development and World War Two/post-war operations.
Camp X
The true story of what went on behind the barbed wire fences of Camp X as told to the author; Lynn Philip, Hodgson.
Canadian Battle for Normandy Foundation
National association established in 1983 to educate and actively promote public awareness of Canada's role in the second world war.
Canadian Heroes
The story of two ordinary soldiers, both uncles of the webmaster, killed during the liberation of Europe. Detailed and illustrated accounts of the many actions in which they were involved.
Dr Bomb-Bay
Information about a Canadian-crewed Halifax bomber, shot down in 1944 and recently recovered from a swamp in Belgium.
Great Britain and Canada in World War 2
Detailing both Great Britain and Canada's role in war, as well as general historical information on Canada and her relationship with the UK.
In Desperate Battle: Normandy 1944
The story of Canadian forces in the Battle of Normandy, told through maps, personal accounts and timelines.
Internment of Japanese Canadians
Discusses the factors, military necessity and racism behind the decision to intern Japanese-Canadians during the Second World War.
Japanese-Canadian Internment
Bibliography by UW Libraries: general materials, roots of racism, internment and redress, related sites.