Christopher Hill - Gerard Winstanley
Transcript of a lecture by Hill given at Kingston University, on Winstanley and his influence.
Class Struggle and Women's Liberation
On the place that the Digger movement has in the history of the liberation of women.
English Diggers
A variety of background materials on the Digger movement, from their San Francisco spiritual descendants.
Land and Freedom
Includes extracts from 'The True Leveller's Standard', and various Digger and Leveller pamphlets.
Selected Works of the Levellers
A collection of documents are available online, at the Constitution Society's website.
Surrey Diggers Trail
Guide to sites around Cobham, Surrey where important events in the history of the Digger movement occurred. Information about and quotes from members of the movement.
The Levellers
A survey about libertarian radicalism and the English Civil War.
The Levellers (Falsely so called) Vindicated
The statements put forward as the defence of the mutineers at Burford.
The Levellers: Libertarian Revolutionaries
An overview of the early liberal movement during the English Civil War.
The World Turned Upside Down
Original documents from the Diggers and Levellers, as well as early Quakers. The former two movements represented the more social-revolutionary tendencies in the English Civil war.